Chapter 2 school

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After math its time to go to science.Alice said that Edward has science with me and Emmett. hopefully Emmett doesn't blow up any thing Rose said! We all laugh then we go our separate ways.See you girls at lunch i called to Alice and Rose.Then i walked down the halls and up some stairs and went into science.I sat down.Then Edward and Emmett walked in.But then Alexis Jordan walked in and started flirting with him.No boy ever turns her down except.....Edward and Emmett. She said hey Edward right.Ya what do you want Edward said in a annoyed tone.My name is Alexis maybe we can go out sone time.Sorry i cant so bye.I couldn't help but laugh in my head. But then i see her standing there with her mouth open and Emmett says shut your mouth so flys wont get in there sweet heart then he laughed. That really mad her mad.I couldn't hold it any more i laughed out loud all three of us did. She stomped off to her seat.Three people can sit at a table so i sat in the middle of Edward and Emmett.After we did science experiments we went to lunch.We walked over to the others at their privet table. Cool we get the cool table said Emmett!then Alice said or you can go sit with nerds.Shut up pixie stick. Your lucky we are at school ill tear you to pieces Alice said.haha you wouldn't said Emmett.o believe me i would said Alice just wait till we get home with a devious smile.While ate i noticed that they are sitting there not eating.I ask why are you guys not eating? They look at each other and nod its like they knew what they all were thinking weird!Then Edward said only why we are not eating is because.... we don't like the nasty school gunk you call food we eat when we get home.Ooo i said that makes sense now no body likes school food i tell them. .

We talked a lot during lunch. But after punch was gym then a couple other classes then schools over yay!!!!! The good thing is that the rest of my classes are with Edward and one or two of the others.Even though we all just met we all are like best friend and we all know every thing about each other.YAYAY!!!! I GOT FRIENDS!!!!!!!

Edwards prov.

After Bella left and Alice Left to go to the girls gym class.Me and Jasper walked to the boys gym classes i told him its weird i can't read her mind its like she has a block up or something.Ya i noticed that too said Jasper its weird dude he told me.All i know i hope she isn't some kind of witch or creature i tell Jasper!No she ain't the we would have sensed it and smelled it said Jasper. Ya i guess your right i told him.The only thing i do like is that the rest of my classes are with Bella wow am i starting to have a crush on her oh no wonder if she has a crush on me i say to my self.We only met today but it feels like i known her for ever and i know every thing about her. I wanna tell her every thing even my secret me being a vampire........

Bella's pov.

I walk into gym but for some reason my begins ti hurt bad Alice asks me whats up.I told her my head hurt like people were trying to see my thoughts. It hurts like a mother effer so when gym was over i was soooooo happy man my head still hurts though dang it did wow. Finally at the end of the day was finally here. But then Carlisle ask me if i wanted to come over later they had to tell me some thing. I said ok but i don't know were you live.Then Edward said i will come pick you up. I said ok and i told him were i lived he said its not far from them. So after they went to their car and i went to mine i drove off to my house. When i pulled in there he was in his car telling me to hop in. I told him to give me a sec. I told him if he wanted to come inside its fine he said ok. Wheres your parents at i told him about my parents he said he was sorry.He was such a gentleman i said to myself. I got a granola bar and a drink of water and got my stuff and off we went to the Cullen's house.

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