Chater 5 Friends,Boyfriend, and truble

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Hey guys so heres another chapter for y'all. i hope y'all love it :):):):) please give me some comments to tell me if im doing good and give me ideas.Well comment vote follow - tomboy360

Bella's P.O.V

So i get up take a shower,and brush my teeth. I put on a black tank-top and a black and purple tap-out t-shirt and my DC shoes.Then i curled my hair and put on a little makeup,and pit on my DC hat.I ran down stairs and got som toast and a bottle of coca cola from the fridge,and i grabbed my bag and ran outside.I got into my truck and went to school. When i pulled into the school Edward and the rest of them were waited for me by their car.I pulled up by their car and parked and grabbed my pop and my bag and keys and got out. While i turned around to lock my door and Edward came behind me and hugged me and i turned around and he kissed me. Wow you look nice like really nice he told me.Then i looked at Emmett and Jasper their mouths were literally as opened as far as ever.WOW BELLA!! said emmett and Alice sad hey Emmett we don't need that big mouth now so please shut your mouth before you catch flies then i'll never kiss you again!We all started cracking up it was hilarious then he made this face that made us laugh more.So you and Emmett are dating i asked ? Well we will talk about this at lunch Bella we gotta go the bell is about to ring so me and Alice and Rose took off to math class.So me and Alice and Rose took off to math and then i realized we have like 17 min. till math i told alice that we still had like 17 min.She said i know then we stopped at our lockers witch were all by each other i was in the middle and Alice is on the right and Rose is on the left.So Bella how did the question go they both asked.Well it went good he asked and i said yes we came back down talked to you guys and i left. Then they both said ooooo and just then we talked for abou 2 min. Then that kid named Jacob Black came up to me and i got scared.

Edwards P.O.V

So me and Emmett were talking cuz Jasper went to science with Esme.Me and Emmett were standing in the hall way by our lockers ,and then i saw the girls up ahead and then Jacob Black was walking up to Bella.He was about to talk when i ran down there at human pace.And stepped by Bella and gave her a kiss.Oh hi Jacob so what did you want she asked him.I was gonna ask you out but looks like the vamp beat me he snarled.Yep i beat the mutt Edward hissed with a smile at the end.So then Jacob muttered something and walked away with a really mad face.Then when he was out of sight we all bursted out laughing,then we all wen't to class.At lunch they finally told me my question from earlier.I sat down by my new boyfriend Edward and he gave me a kiss and put his arm around me while i ate my pizza.Bella i love u and all but that crap smells disgusting ewww Edward told me.I'll try some Bella said Emmett.Ok here you go and i gave him a little piece.Yum that stuff ain't bad.Then he made this face never mind spoke to soon ewwwwwww Emmett said! We all laughed at that it was hilarious! So guys back to my question from earlier so do you guys have boy friends or girlfriends?? Well we do Alice is married to Emmett and Rose is married to Jasper and Carlisle is married to Esme and Carlisle and Esme are the leaders so their like our mom and dad and i have a beautiful girlfriend named Isabella Marie Swan said Edward! That made me blush a deep red and Alice said AWWWWWW! Wait but ain't you guys to young to be married i said?Remember we are vampires we are really old whispered Emmett dur-ta-dur! Oh ya i forgot about that whoops i said.And another word for it is mates like Esme is my mate and you are kinda Edwards mate said Carlisle.Ya maybe Edward will ask you the big question one day said Alice.That made me blush more awwwww Alice now she is blushing said Rose. Then Edward gave me a kiss and whispered in my ear maybe one day soon.And i smiled real big and blushed again but not as bad.But before i can be his mate i need to be changed into a u know what i whispered.Ya we know so we are planning we are gonna change you in two weeks so u can get your stuff packed and you can move in with us if that is ok Carlisle said?Ya fine with me and i hugged Edward.After you change i can take you hunting said Edward! Ya thats fine with me.But you go through some serious pain girl said Esme.Ya but then me and Miss.Bella here can beat me at fighting said Emmett.Sure your on teddy bear i told Emmett.Ok pixie stick big fight at the Cullen house yep. It better be outside you ain't messing up my house i'll beat both of ya'll buts said Esme!Ok mom said Emmett. Just then Jacob walked past our table and gave Edward and me a note and snarled and walked away. We opened the notes was bad!

Well sorry for the cliff hanger please let me know what you think comment vote or follow thanks give me ideas for chapter six if i don't get at least 5 more votes it will take me longer to make chapter six i know I'm evil sorry bye or even in box me those work too! bye!

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