Chapter 6 finally!!!!!!

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Isabella's P.O.V

I read my note first it said...

Dear Bella

I was thinking if you don't go out with me then i will have to get that little vampire savage you are dating or i will get U my self

Love,Jacob B.

They all gasped then Edward said he will never touch my Bella and rapped his arm around me.What does yours say i asked Edward? Oh a here it goes!

Dear Edward,

If Dear Bella does not go out with me then i will probably hurt you or beat the F*** out of you now if Bella does not agree then i'll get her my self ok by Edward for now hahahaha

Love,Jacob B.

Oh no Edward i told him! It's gonna be alright sweetheart remember vampires always beat those werewolf's! Ya we wont let them lay a hand on u said Emmett! thanks but sorry i caused all this harm. Now when will u guys change me? I wanna know so i can be Edwards mate! Probably friday night deal said Carlisle.Deal i said! Edward picked me up and spun me around And kissed me! Gettt a rooooommm gezzzzz said Emmett! Oh sorry does the big teddy bear getting mad i joked! Oh your getting it later he warned me. Oh no im soooo scared ahhhhhh haha i said! then the bell rang and we were off to our last class of the day.I took a different way to class today cuz i didn't wanna run into Jacob! While i was walking i felt like some one was following me then when i went to turn around he grabbed me!Sorry chapter is short and i left u at a cliff hanger mwahahaha lol

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