Time Stops At Hard Times

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Y/N pov.
You see Sam running up to you,He holds his hand over your cut wound.
"Sa...a...am..m" you whisper as the darkness consumes you.
{Time skip}
You wake up to see Sam laying down next to you, he's crying his eyes out.you feel down where your stomach has been bandaged, In the distance you hear someone calling sams name...

"sssssssssssssss" the voice starts getting louder "aaaaaaaAAAAAA" Oh god its taurtis..... "MMMMMMMMMMMM, Get your butt here and explain why y/n is here"Yells Taurtis. He crashes into the door and its breaks.

"Shadow~Kun Wat have you done with y/n" Taurtis Screams at the camera

uh...... O///O Taurtis you broke the fourth wall and you came in and BROKE THE DOOR, YOUR PAYING  FOR THAT!!

"sorry...... ill just wait outside" {Taurtis Fixed Door} "Great now im poor" Pouts Taurtis

..... Sorry guys Back to the Story!!! so as i was saying

y/n pov

Sam runs up to your and hugs you, then slowly moves away and stares into your eyes.         "........." you look at him dumb founded wondering whats happening. Sam moves his face closer to yours.

"sam...."taurtis stops talking. he walked in on sam kissing you............

"ssssSSSSAMMMMMM"You Shout out at him as you run out crying and go up behind the school

"no no no no" You say walking back and forwards

"sam just ... he just.... kissed me and now..... dom will.... and mum and dad..... will....!" Tears start rolling down your eyes.


"Mummy, The Earphones boy and Bunny boy from school asked again....." I said

"Well tell him that were leaving today, oh wait we have to go come on now"Your mum said as she grabbed you by the hand

"Mummy, how come im not coming" Dom asked kinda crying

"Because YOU WILL NEVER BE APART OF MY FAMILY"Mum yelled trying to pull me faster

"No MUMMY I DONT WANNA LEAVE DOM!" I Pulled away and mum slapped me

"Come on be a good girl and maybe i wont give you an toilet to live in, Stupid child i pay for you so i COMMAND you to come now before i have to hit you again"

"HUH!!" You dissapear into a purple Room then Appear next to dom

"Brother!!! i was scared"i cry

"DOM WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY PRINCESS!!"She comes charging at dom with a knife

"NOOOOOO" I Scream and everything Freeze except dom

"dom im scared ... whats happening"i shout

" I dont know sis, but lets go"Dom grabes my hand and we bolt and take the bus somewhere else...

{End of FlashBack}

I look Around Once Again and the world i know is now cover in a purple fog..... "OH NO sam caused me to freeze time... "Y/N" Sam yells as he comes running up to me... "what happened"

One of my eyes goes blue and the other purple

"Sam Run...."I shout as the world Turns Black then back to normal and i faint...


Well guys now you know meh new Writer Name..... Shadow~Kun or Shadow anyone will do

also looking for an charter to add to meh story MUST BE AN VILLAN


Hair Color~

eye colors/colors~


Crush or Family member~ Family member must be yuki. crush is Sam


Okay guys thats all Word Count~ 508

Shadow Out

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