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Lucy's POV
I woke up quietly showered, got dressed, and ate. Then I woke Natsu up. Natsu knew how to say a few word's, but mispronounced most. He could say Luce, food, up, down, yes, no, and a few other's. I got him in the bath, he splashed me a few times but I dint mind cause his giggles, and laughs were sooooo cute! I got him out of the bath dried him off, and fed him. Then once I was done getting him ready, I suggested we  go to the park. He squealed and said "Pawk!" It was so cute! I took his hand, walked out the door and when we walked a few blocks he said "UP!" So of course I picked him up, and walked the rest of the way there.

Natsu's POV
I walked with Lushy for a while, but I had just woken up so my legs were tired. So I said "UP!" And Lushy picked me up, and carried me the west of the way there. When we got there it was beautiful. There was a pond with birds,, that Lushy said were ducks and geese swimming in the water. There was lots of trees surrounding the area. And a pick colorful structure, called a playground. I wanted to go on it so Lushy picked me up, and put me back down on the big colorful playground. I started to run, and play with the other kids. Then Lushy pushed me on the swings. And I went down the big slide on her lap. Me and her had a blast. But then on the Merry-go-round the big kids pushed to fast and I flew off. After that I just felt really bad pain coming from the right side of my body.

Lucy's POV
I was just about to tell the bigger kids to slow down on the merry-go-round when I saw Natsu fall off. He landed on his right side, but when he hit he was quiet the a few seconds later you could here a blood curdling scream. I quickly rushed over and picked him up, I rushed to the woman's bathroom in the park. And got some paper towels wet to clean up the scratches on his side. I cuddled him until he was just sniffling. Wiped his face clean, then I said "This might sting a bit." Natsu just slowly nodded. I slowly yet swiftly to off his shirt, and put the wet paper towels on the scratch mark. Natsu kept flinching 1 because it hurt, 2 because the water was really cold. I then put a spare shirt I had in my bag on him. And we went back to my apartment. I layer Natsu in my bed, and went to get some water when he grabbed my arm and said "Down." I wasn't quite sure what he meant at first, but then realization struck me like lightning. so I layed down right beside him. He cuddled into my chest his back facing me. And we both fell asleep.

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