Chapter 2

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After the meeting ended, England was heading home before he was stopped by America. "Yo dude! Russia and I wanted to know if you wanted to stay over!" This is my chance! If I can get alone time with America I could confess my feelings to him and he'll love me! England thought. "Alright, what time?"

"Right now!" America grabbed England's hand and dragged him in his car where Russia was waiting. "What?!"

~~Time skip brought to you by England's scones. Don't eat them, you will die~~

About half an hour later, England, America, and Russia were all at home. And...well it was pretty awkward to say the least. England wouldn't leave America's side and Russia was starting to get quiet annoyed. "Sunflower, I have to go. My boss needs me." America only nodded and kissed lover. England scowled quietly. Once Russia left, England finally had his chance.

England grabbed America's shoulders and pulled him close so they kissed. America's eyes widened and he pulled away quickly. "What the HELL Arthur?!" America yelled. "What the fuck was that for?! You know I'm dating Ivan and yet you kiss me?!" England started to grow annoyed and finally pulled out a cloth and pushed it against America's nose and mouth.

America struggled to get the cloth off but failed. Then everything started to fade to black.

A/N: Thank y'all so much for reading this far! It means so much to me. I'll try to make future chapters longer and hopefully make this a fairly long story. Thank you and I'll see you next chapter.

P.S. If you see any errors please point them out so I can fix them quickly. Thank you.

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