Chapter 6

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America POV

God I smell like shit. "ARTHUR!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could. "ARTHUR I NEED A FUCKING SHOWER!!!" I heard footsteps come downstairs quickly. "What have I told you about yelling so loud!" He slapped me in my already open wound. I whimpered a bit. He sighed obviously frustrated. "Fine, but make it quick. I don't want you wasting all the hot water." He untied me and had me limp slowly to the bathroom upstairs.

When I got upstairs, I squinted trying to adjust to the blinding light since it was so dark downstairs. Okay, I know  that Arthur has a window in his bathroom. If I squeeze through that I'll be able to- "I'm coming in there with you. To make sure you don't escape." He smirked and it made my stomach drop. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I heard the phone go off and Arthur went to answer it.

"Hello, this is the house of Arthur Kirkland. How may I help you?"

"England?" My eyes widened at the voice. Ivan. Arthur scowled though at his voice but maintained a calm sounding voice. "Yes Russia?"

"England I need your help, America has seemed to have gone missing. He won't answer anybody." He sounded as if he was about to cry. That broke my heart. "I'm sorry but I'm quite busy at the moment."

"IVAN PLEASE HELP ME!! I'M HERE PLEASE SAVE ME!! I WANT TO COME HOME!!" I yelled as loud as I can. "Fredk-" Arthur hung up the phone and came towards me looking seriously pissed the fuck off.

He grabbed a butcher knife and started cutting and stabbing me anywhere and everywhere. Open wounds, healed wounds, free spots on my body. I screamed and tasted metallic liquid in my mouth. I threw up blood due to my throat being so dry and having it used so many times screaming.

He panted and stopped. "That should teach you a lesson." He stabbed the bloody knife in my stomach and went upstairs. "I'm going to bed, don't be loud while I'm sleeping." I lay on the floor, sobbing quietly not wanting to get hurt anymore.

---Time Skip---

It was the middle of the night, I wasn't fully healed but I was healed enough to at least walk. I walked slowly to the front door. Finally....Ivan....I'm coming just hold on. I slipped out as quiet as I could and made my way to the house.

---Another Time Skip---

I was here! Finally! I banged on the door as hard as my weak arms could. "Ivan!! Ivan open the door please!!" I heard frantic shuffling and the door swung open. I was engulfed in a warm embrace on this cold ass night. I started sobbing hard and I felt tears soak the back of my shirt. "Alfred I thought I had lost you....look at're so hurt..."

He looked at me and gently put a hand on my cheek. "I'm so sorry Alfred..."

"Ivan it was terrible...I felt so violated...He hurt me so much Ivan...I wanted to go back to you..." He wiped away my tears and planted a soft and loving kiss on my lips. It felt so amazing and so full of love unlike the kisses Arthur gave me which were full of lust and want.

I felt happy to be back with the person I truly love. 

But that changed quickly. I heard a gunshot. Then another. And another. And everything went black.

Russia's POV

I screamed. Alfred, my sunflower, my  sweet boyfriend, was shot straight in his back, his shoulder, and his side. And it was all that damn Brits fault. Alfred fell down bleeding out quickly. Arthur was standing a few feet behind him, laughing manically.

I lunged at him and managed to get the gun away. He wasn't strong enough to fight back against me so I easily knocked him out. I ran back to Alfred, screaming and crying. "No no no no no!! Alfred please stay with me!!"

I scooped him up gently and started running to the hospital which, thank god, wasn't too far away. I burst through the doors. "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP US!! HE'S BEEN SHOT!!" I cried out to the hospital staff. They rushed at me and took Alfred and started to go towards an emergency room. I tried going with them but they held me back as I struggled furiously.

"Let me go!! I need to be with him!!" It took almost 5 nurses and 3 doctors to hold me back. I needed to be there with him.

I figured I couldn't struggle forever so I gave up and sat and waited for them to tell me I could go in his room.

---Time Skip---

"Ivan Braginski?" A nurse called my name. I shot straight up. "That is me, which room is Alfred F. Jones in?"

"Room 437" (I closed my eyes and typed out three numbers for the room number XD)

I ran, no, I sprinted towards his room and opened the door to look at him and gasped. He had bandages all over him, his arms, face, legs. The IV was in his arm and the heart monitor was beating normally. He looked peaceful, almost dead. Stop, I can't think that.

I walked over to his bedside, pulled up a chair and sat down next to him, taking his hand and intertwining my fingers with his cold ones. I cried. It wasn't a normal soft cry, no, it was a hard cry. It was a cry that is full of pent up emotions.

The doctor came in and I had stopped crying. "You must be Ivan Bragiski, Alfred's lover. Correct?" I nodded in response. "Well then, I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want first?"

I needed some good news in my life, and maybe the good news will soften the blow for the bad news. "Well the good news is that Alfred is doing fine and is stable." I sighed in relief. "And the bad news?" I asked the doctor.

"He's in a coma."


Hey guys it's Trash here and I hope you enjoyed this little reunion Alfred and Ivan had. I'm sorry if I do any late posts its just that I am feeling horribly sick. Last night I fell asleep at 2 in the morning because my stomach felt like I was getting stabbed repeatedly. Anywho, stay tuned for the next chapter!


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