Chapter 7

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 Fucking weird, I know!!Americas POV

I feel so...relaxed. body is free of any sorts of stress and pain. It's like I'm on a cloud. I wish I was snuggled in Ivan's arms. Wait. Oh god Ivan! Where is he?! 

I look at my surroundings and it looks like I'm in a hospital. And I see my body?  What the hell? I hear the door opening and I see Ivan holding sunflowers. He walks over and he looks like he hasn't slept in days. "Please wake up has been months..." He starts crying. Wait, did he say months?!

What is going on?

Time skip to later!

I sat down and watched Ivan sit and cry and talk to my lifeless body. This broke my heart into millions of pieces. He looked so broken and tired and his eyes were red and puffy. 

"Must break your heart eh porkchop?" I heard a voice say. "Who's there?" I ask to the random voice and look around. "Me." A figure stepped through the door, literally. Like, he actually went through the damn door. 

He looked exactly like me except he was holding  baseball bat with nails sticking out of it. His hair was a dark red-ish color too. And on the bottom of his lips were two piercings. "Who are you exactly?" I asked him while looking at him up and down. "I'm you. And you are me. Fucking weird, I know. Anyway, you're dead." Well I kinda guessed that. Since I can see myself and float sort of.

"I kinda guessed that by the whole 'I Can See Myself' thing." He sneered a bit. "Well well then Mr smart ass. Seems like you know more than I thought." He was rude. "You have two choices porckchop. Choice one," he held up one finger. "You die and go to heaven or hell, it depends. And choice number two," he held up a second finger. "You choose to wake up and stay in the over world."

I already know my choice. "I want to wake up. I want to see my Ivan again." He smirked and gripped his baseball bat like he was ready to hit a baseball. "See you on the other side porkchop."

He raised his bat and swung at my head. Everything went black again.

Russia POV

I was silently singing a song that Alfred loved to hear and it ended. "Do you remember that song sunflower? You haven't heard it in a while." I looked down and started to cry again. 

"Y...Yeah...." I shot my head up. Those beautiful baby blue eyes looked at me. The color was faded but I didn't care, they were still so beautiful. " are awake...I am so happy..." I started to cry harder and held him in a tight hug.

"Ow ow ow ow." I quickly let him go and held his hand instead and traced small circles with the pad of my thumb. "I'm have been asleep so long." His eyes widened a bit. "How long was I asleep?" He asked me.

"About 4 months. You were very hurt ad had many injuries. I took care of your country while you were in a coma." He leaned back and stared at the ceiling in shock. "4 months...damn." The doctor walked in and smiled. "Ah, you're awake now. That's good. If you had stayed asleep any longer we would've announced you dead." He chuckled and I frowned. How could a doctor laugh at something like that?

"Anyway, your injuries are doing well enough. You should be ready to go home in a week or so." Alfred smiled. "Thank god." I leaned over to Alfred and gave him a soft loving kiss on his sweet lips. I needed this kiss. I haven't felt his lips in so long.

Time Skip a week later because I am lazy and America POV

Finally I was out of that stuffy hospital! I missed the outside air. I walked to Ian's car with him and smiled. "You know, your car smells like sunflowers and vodka." He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Is that good thing?"

I laughed. "Yep!" I hopped inside the car and he did the same and we made our way back home. 

Another time skip because why not

We lay on the couch snuggled up in a blanket. Me being held in Ivan's arms and Ivan playing with my hair as we watched a movie. "I love you so much sunflower."

"I love you too."

And that's how we spent the rest of the night.

Aaaaand scene! That is the end of this story you guys! Thank you all so so much for sticking with me and liking this story. It was really fun to write. I will see y'all in the next story!


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