~Part 4~

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Phil brainstormed a few ways ways he could make it up to Dan as he started driving to his apartment building.

"I just couldn't believe Kayla would do such a thing to me.... I thought we were friends." He thought while parking his car near Dan's apartment door.Phil sat there until he couldn't contain himslef so he got out of the car and I knocked on the door...

He waited for a couple of minutes until I could hear the doorknob jiggling.

"Who is it?"Dan starts until his eyes meet Phils and starts trying to close the door.

With all the power invested in Phil, he managed to open the door before Dan slammed it.

"Dan listen to me, Kayla was my friend. I've never had a girlfriend I've been gay since I was 9" He starts,with tears streaming down his face."I'm sorry."

"Your LYING"

Phil pulls up a picture on his phone of his 12 year old self in the movies with his arm stretched around my boyfriends neck. " please just listen to me Dan."

"I need space, come over next week on Friday."

"But do you believe me?"

"Phil, I need space right now"

Phil drove home with hope in his hands. With every breath I took I just thought about how maybe faith would bring us together again. For some reason, I should I lay in bed and just wrote in my blog since I no longer had someone to talk to. I just wanted to spill my guts but just like always, someone betrayed me. This seemed like an everday thing for

Trust in your love make sure it is deep,
The returns you get is for you to keep..
The stronger the bond its harder to break,
Has to be so when there's so much at stake..

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