Chapter 5

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giving you a chapter to celebrate that Bullied reached 16K (omfg) and this reached 100!!!🤗 BUT this puts me way behind in my writing so the next chapter won't be out for a while later. I'm just really happy about this reaching 100 so I'm updating :') thank you guys!

I got to Costa at exactly noon and found that Hayden was already here, she was at a table by the window.

"I didn't think you would actually show up." She said as I pulled out the seat opposite her.
"What's that supposed to mean?"

"So you broke up with Cassidy, huh?" She asked, ignoring my previous question.
"Uh, yeah."
"You two were the school's most talked about couple."

"Yeah, so I've been told."
"And now you have jumped from Cassidy to my best friend."
"I didn't jump from Cassidy to Gem-"

"Do you miss her?" She interrupted.
"Cass." She said and I tensed up, a smirk then forming on her face.

"I bet no one's called her your nickname in a while." She smiled, crossing her arms.
"I don't."

"I don't miss her."
"I didn't come here for you to talk shit to me, Lucas."
"I'm not talking shit to you."

She didn't respond, she went to the counter and brought back two black coffees and set one down in front of me.

"Shouldn't I be buying you a drink too?" I asked.
"What so now you're sexist too?"

"What? No! I was just saying it doesn't seem fair that y-"
"Oh! So now you want to talk about being fair?" She sourly interrupted.

"Hayden what is your problem?"
"You are! Before I moved, you made West Ridge High a living nightmare for Gemma and I."

"I didn't m-"
"You're a bully, Lucas."
"No I'm not!"

"Then what do you call someone who emits physical and verbal abuse on others?"
"Look, I'm sorry! I was just going through-"
"A rough patch?" She asked and I nodded.

"I only had to put up with you for a few months, Gemma has had your abuse her whole life."
"I'm not the same guy I was back then!"
"Everyone says that!"
"But I really mean it!"

We both stayed silent for a few seconds.
"What's your game, Lucas?"
"My game?"
"Yeah. Your game, your intentions."

I had no clue what she was on about so I just sat there with my mouth open, ready to speak but I had nothing to say.

"With Gemma!"
"What do you mean?"

"You were dating the school sweetheart, the girl every guy wanted, then you two suddenly break up and you date the girl you hated?"
"I never hated Gemma."
"So why did you and Cass break up?"
"We just did."

"You're playing her!" She half yelled.
"I am not!"

"You are!"
"I love her!"

"BULLSHIT!" She shouted, earning a few stares from some old ladies, "You're probably planning some massive prank to ruin her life! That's why you can't tell me why you and Cassidy ended things! Cassidy must be in on it!She's going to hate you!"

"I'm not planning on ruining her life! What is wrong with you?!"

"Well, why did you end things with Cassidy?"
"Why does that even matter?"

"How can someone be so awful to toy with a girl like Gemma?"
"I'm not toying with her! Oh my god!"

"Then what happened to cas-"
"I HAD DEPRESSION OKAY?! CASSIDY DROVE ME TO SELF HARM!" I didn't give Hayden time to respond, I got up and left.

I was utterly shocked that this was the same quiet girl I had shown around the first day she moved back.

She was acting like a total bitch and she doesn't even know half of my stories.

"Lucas!" She shouted, running after me. I stopped to face her.
"Will you stop calling me that?!"

"Luke, I'm sorry!"
"For what? Continually accusing me of playing fucked up jokes on my girlfriend? I was only doing this to make her happy."
"Yes! Gosh! In the past year, basically everything I have done has been to make her happy."

"Now I feel like shit.."
"Why would you start yelling things like that at me? Why would I mess with a year long relationship?"
"I don't know.. I'm just going through-"
"A rough patch?" I mimicked her.

"I'm sorry.." she mumbled, "I didn't know you.. you um.. you know.. but it'll be okay."
"Oh I get it, you feel sorry for me. As soon as you find out about my past problem then you think you can help, you think you can relate."

She looked at the ground.
"EVERYONE thinks they can relate! It's depression! It's not like a common cold, you can't just say you know how someone with depression feels if you've felt sad for a day."
"Luke, It-"
"I know, I know. It'll be okay. Everyone always says that, and it's not that easy! Nothing was every okay until I met Gemma. Without Gem and my friends, I would still be the same horrible guy I used to be."

"I know how you feel." She mumbled.
"Don't try and relate, Hayden! You'll only make it worse."
"I'm not trying to relate, I'm serious!"
"Whatever, look I'm-"

I stopped myself mid sentence when Hayden shoved her arm centimetres from my face, raised the sleeve of her black hoody and pushed the bracelets up her arm.

She did know how I used to feel... Except she was still going through it.

This was needed for the plot but I tried as hard as possible not to make you hate Hayden...

"I'll be okay." | luke hemmings au *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now