Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

When he was gone I yanked my shorts and tank top off and stepped into the shower. I let the warm water cover my face, trying to wash away, my anger, my confusion... my pain. I slid down the shower wall collapsing on the floor. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes trying to hold back my tears. 

This was no use, I hated fighting with Elijah but he was lying to me, I knew he was.  

Things never used to be like this. We never used to fight. From the day we met he spoilt me, looked after me, made me feel special. Meeting him was so unexpected; he just turned up one day and we clicked from the start. I never thought he would fall for me; he was older and so hot. Everything he did made me want him more. What had happened to that guy? I thought he was the best thing to ever happen to me... now I wasn't so sure.  

The tears involuntarily fell heavily from my eyes streaking down my cheeks. I covered my face sobbing into my hands.  

Minutes passed when I decided it was enough, I couldn't stay here all day. I stepped out of the shower grabbing a towel and dried my body and hair. 

I wrapped the towel tightly around me and went to the sink. I looked in the mirror, my face was red and puffy, my blue eyes were blood shot from crying, my long dark hair wet from the shower. I was a mess, why was I letting him do this to me? 

I headed back into my room, still in my towel I curled up on my bed sobbing. I pulled my pillow closer to me so I could muffle the sound of my tears. I didn't want my mom or Penn to hear me. The tears rolled down my cheeks onto my pillow. My heart was aching, I was confused, I was hurt but I couldn't let him control me like that. I had to get on with the rest of my day. 

I swiftly dressed in skinny jeans, an oversized black t-shirt and lace up boots. I pulled my still damp dark curls back into a messy bun, covered my face with foundation, outlined my blue eyes with black liner, added a little blusher to add some colour to my pale cheeks and finished with lip gloss.  

I grabbed my phone from the dresser putting it in my jeans pocket and headed downstairs. 

I decided I'd better eat something if I was going to be working all day, and maybe some food in me would make me feel better.  

I walked into the kitchen and hit straight into a hard chest, the force made me lose my balance and I fell backwards, my butt landing on the hard floor. I looked up and saw Penn standing above me.  

"Sorry," he said sheepishly as he offered me his hand. 

My blue eyes eyed him up and down; I couldn't help myself. I had to admit for an older guy he was hot. The entire year he'd been dating my mom I'd secretly liked him. He'd moved in with us ten months ago and that made things a whole lot harder and at times I felt a little uncomfortable. Seeing him everyday was torture. I mean, he was one sexy guy; it was hard not to want him. And the thing was he knew it too. 

But before I could get lost in the sight of his muscled body in his tight blue shirt or his deadly green eyes it hit me. I was staring at my mother's boyfriend, ugh! Yes he was only thirty, meaning he was just over ten years older than me and I had no idea why he was with a forty-two year old woman... but at the end of the day he was still my mom's boyfriend and I was with Elijah. 

I looked up at him showing him I was annoyed but took his hand anyway so he could help me up.  

He held onto me a little longer than was necessary. His eyes travelling my body in one slow head to toe exam. My cheeks instantly became hot but I quickly looked down hiding my face; I hoped he didn't notice I'd blushed. I didn't want him to know he had that effect on me. 

"Um, you can let go of me, Penn, um, thanks..." 

"Oh, yeah, sorry," he said quickly letting go of my hands and looking away. 

"Don't worry about it, Penn," I replied half-heartedly as I went to the fridge.  

I grabbed a yogurt, a spoon and a glass of orange juice.  

"Has my mom gone to work? Did she take Christopher to school?" I asked. He didn't reply but I was certain he hadn't left the room. "Penn?" 

I closed the fridge, turning around to look for him. He was sitting on a bar stool staring at me, his eyes so dark they made me nervous.  

I started to cross the room but before I could reach the door he stood up and headed straight towards me.  

He was right in front of me now. I took a step back but he only came closer, I took another step back only to be stopped as my back hit the wall. I was trapped. 

He leaned forward and put both hands on each side of my hips. I looked up at him as he inched his face closer to mine and I felt his breath brush against my lips.  

I knew it wasn't right of me but I'd fantasised about him this way so many times before and here so close to him, his lips almost touching mine I wanted him to kiss me right then and there.  

His lips brushed against mine for the briefest second when suddenly, my phone started ringing. He instantly pulled away.  

My heart thudded against my chest but I took a deep breath and answered. 

"Hey, Mom, I'm just about to leave, just finished my breakfast." I hoped she couldn't hear the guilt I was feeling in my voice. 

"Just hurry up, we are so busy today. I hope you haven't been messing about with that idiot you call a boyfriend all this time." She'd never hid her disapproval of Elijah.  

"No, Mom, Eli, went home over an hour ago, I swear, I've just had a shower, got dressed and had breakfast." I didn't want to tell her about my fight with Eli, she'd only gloat. 

"Okay, I trust you, please just get your skinny little butt here," she said then hung up. 

Why did she have to say 'I trust you' when I'd almost just kissed her boyfriend?  

I cautiously turned around but Penn was gone. I took a deep breath letting it out slowly then I grabbed my car keys from the counter and slammed the door behind me.

Hope you like this so far :D

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