Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Cascata Island 

Present Day

I woke up cold, sore and disorientated. I sat up and every part of my body was aching. I knew I was covered in bruises. My mouth was so dry I could barely swallow. It took me several seconds to remember where I was. 

Yesterday hadn't been a dream. I was still here in this confined, dark room. The only difference from last night was the small amount of light coming through the one tiny window telling me it was now morning. Was I really going to die today... or my soul was...  

Suddenly, the heavy door was flung open echoing a loud bang through the silent room.  

I automatically brought my legs up to my chest.  

Two men walked into view. One with messy blonde hair and soft brown eyes, and another extremely tall with a shaved head walked into view. They stopped in front of me. 

"Godric is ready for you," the blonde man said flatly.  

The other man snickered. "Bloody hell, even dirty and covered in blood she's still beautiful."  

I slowly raised my eyes and stopped on the tall man's face. Up close his face was hard, his cheeks were sunken, his eyes too small for his large nose and mouth, and his shaved head made him look possessed. 

I shifted my gaze to the other man. His face was much softer, with his soft blonde hair and gentle brown eyes. When his eyes found mine his expression seemed almost as scared as my own... his eyes looked apologetic... they seemed sorry as if he felt something for me... as if he wanted to help me... 

Suddenly, the tall man spoke making us look away from each other and our attention turned to him. 

"So, this is Elijah's girl," he laughed darkly. His step was confident as he approached me and his eyes never moved from my face. "Such a shame, you seem so nice." He knelt down in front of me. "You ready to meet Godric, my pretty? He has many plans for you." 

I started to shake my head, as if I could someway convince them to spare my life. I looked back to the blonde-haired man, maybe he really did care, maybe he could somehow persuade the other man to help me too... but his eyes looked passed mine... he wasn't going to let me get to him. 

The bald man grabbed my chin making me look at him. I stared straight up at him. I didn't want him to see my fear. He looked back at me without a trace of remorse for what he was about to do.  

I didn't even have time to think about escaping he moved far too quickly for me. Grabbing me by the shoulders he yanked me to my feet. My already damaged jeans and sneakers were ripping and scraping on the rough ground as I kicked my legs furiously trying to get away from him. This only seemed to make him angrier.  

He spun me round holding my back against his hard body and pinning my arms in front of my chest with one strong hand around my wrists, the other over my mouth.  

"We can either do this the easy way or the hard way, Miss Larson, but keep in mind, whichever one you choose you'll still be leaving this room and going to Godric. Therefore, I'd go with the easy way," he breathed against my bare neck. His warm breath made my skin crawl. 

He removed the hand from my mouth and started tracing his fingertips up and down my arm. He gently grabbed my hair pulling it to one side and kissed down my neck. I stifled a whimper. He pulled up the bottom of my tee so his hands could roam my bare skin. "Bloody beautiful," he whispered into my ear.  

He suddenly shoved me away from him before grabbing my wrist roughly and pulling me to his side. "They're waiting for her. Now let's go." He turned to the other man. "Come on, Xavier."  

The blonde man was called Xavier... I was sure I'd heard his name before.  

My body ached as he dragged me across the room. 

Xavier nodded at the bald man and silently followed us. I looked back at his face for a brief second and I was sure I saw a tear fall from behind his dark lashes.

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