Help Me/Sciles

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Summary: Scott is a antisocial kid, he gets bully for Being weird , not talking and for not having a day He Just couldn't take it.....

Theme: Sad 😢

Scott's Pov
Other Day.....Other day Scott McCall had to live in a life he called hell why did he call his life hell well for starters his mom is never home, Scott's Dad walked out on him when 6 years old , he gets bullied at school for being Gay and he has no friends sad life for a sad boy you know ?. Scott got out of bed his feet meeting the cold floor and walked to his bathroom where he brush his teeth,showered and cut yes that's right cut he started his freshman year because the guy he liked started calling him a fag his name was stiles stilinski that boy was the most popular, hot and cutest boy in the school but he never liked Scott .

One for being stupid , one for being fat and one for not killing himself sooner Scott didn't feel pain the boy felt some kind of pleasure doing it his senior year he promised himself he would stop but until this day he still does it Scott walked out the bathroom and got dress blue shirt, blue jeans and blue vans was what he had on for today noting special. Walking downstairs and into the kitchen his dark brown eyes met a note on top of a plate of food " Had to go to work early hope you have a good day at school 😚😁"  Scott laughed to himself there was no way he was going to have a good day at school never has never will  He ate his breakfast and walked to his his mind couldn't wrap around the fact that he, Scott McCall, never speaks to anyone, starts trouble or bullies people gets bullied for no reason it Just ain't right at all its wrong .

When Scott got to beacon hills high nervous,sad and paranoia wash over him but he sucked it up and walked into the school beacon hills high use to be a nice school, teens were so nice , the teacher was awesome and tests seem easy but this year no it's harder teens pick on you for the smallest things, teachers yell constantly and the tests seem harder it's to much for poor Scott.The boy walked into the school instantly hating it because he was hit with these hateful comments "Go die fag " and " Fat ass " and "that's why your father lefted you " Scott hated that all the stuff they were saying was true he was fat, had no father and should go die but he shook it off and walked to his locker .

When Scott got their he saw his crush stiles standing by his locker the boy walked over and started to put his stuff in his locker blushes cause he felt stiles staring at him "What are you blushing at fag " Stiles says pushing him against the locker."N-Noting s-stiles " Scott looked down "oh his little loser about to cry huh ? You gonna do cry to your dad-oh wait you don't have one " stiles pushed Scott ground everyone crounded him, they started to laughing and chant "Loser" Scott's eyes were filled with tears  he got up and pushed through the crowd , boy ran to the bathroom and locked the door .

Scott had went into the stall "stupid, fat, dumb loser !!!!" He screamed hitting his head over and over he then stopped by getting out a razor he cut himself ten times feeling this amazing pleasure doing so . "Fine they want me gone well there gonna go it " Scott cleaned up and went out the bathroom .

Stiles's Pov
So I was in the lunch room with Lydia,Laim , Jackson and Kira when the doors  opened and in ran Mason he looked around our eyes locked the boy ran over to me his breath was deep like he had been running for a whole day. "Dude why the hell are you running like you are being chased by some zombie" Jackson asked handing me the cigarette we all laughed while Mason flicks him off "s-s-stiles " was all that lefted Mason's mouth Scott made my heart skip and I felt bad for bullying him .

"What about that faggot ?" I say keeping my tough guy act up it was the only way to have some respect around this fucked up school "he's on the ruff he's trying to commit suicide " Mason finally got his breath back he glared at us I dropped the cigarette and get up and start running to the ruff Shit what the fuck is wrong with me. Stiles your dad didn't raise you like this what is wrong with you  You like one guy and you find a way to drive him to kill himself your a really dumb ass I take rights and lefts until I got to the ruff  stopping I stopped taking some breathers .

Then ran out that door I see Scott sitting on the edge of the building "Scott  what are you doing ?" I asked him looking at him also walking slowly "STOP TAKE ONE MORE STEP AND I JUMP !!!" Scott stands up still on the ledge think stiles think "Scott plz don't Jump plz !!!" I yelled at him looking into his dark brown eyes the tears fall from his eyes . He is slowly Breaking me down "WHY HUH ? AFTER ALL I'M JUST A FAGGOT WITH NO FATHER AND FRIENDS YOU SAID IT YOURSELF STILES " Scott yelled backing slowly to the end "Scott look I-I-I I love you I can't lose you that will drive me into a deep depression and I will have noting to live for plz " I fall to the floor holding my chest .

"Then why'd you bully me ?" Scott asked his voice softly breaking at the end I asked my self the same question  "why on earth would I bully Scott he's so....nice "  My eyes meet his and it felt like home "because I-I-you were out my league and I thought you wouldn't love me...Scott plz don't jump I plz " I stand up and walked to him tear running down my face . Scott looked at me then at the ground where a lot of people stood this is it I might lose him that all ended when I felt weight on me Looking down I see it's Scott hugging me I hugged back Happy as ever .

"I love you Scott "
                 "I love you more stiles"

Okay that was a big and emotional image for me 😭😁

Hope you enjoy 💖

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