Hopeless and Hazel

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After about 40 minutes of walking I sight my first refugee tent and begin to gain some hope again.

I run to the camp and immediately to look for our tent.

"Who are you?"

I hear.

I turn around to the noise, a tall man, not so much taller than me, eyes me with his eyebrows raised.

"This is my refugee camp."


"Why would I tell you my name."

He just laughs at my reply.

Silence follows us both.

"Are you serious? What evil would another refugee do to another refugee?"

He was right.
"Fine. My name is Lillian. Lillian Hajari."

He gave me a shy smile. Everyone reacted that way when I told them my fake identity. What was so interesting about my name?

"We don't have a Lillian at camp."

That took me by surprise. What did he mean by that?

"That's impossible."

"No. There are about 8 camps in Norway at this moment." He looked amused at my mistake.

I sighed and began to leave.

"Wait... Lillian." He steps closer closing the space between us.

"Your clothes are all wet I won't let you walk around 0 degree weather in those."

He leaves me and goes to his tent bringing back a sweater.

"I am sure this will fit you because I've outgrown it," he sighs,"I just don't have a pair of pants to give you."

I nod, "I shouldn't take this from you."
"Come on. You're being hostile. It's no use for me to keep it. Plus you need it."

I nod again and accept the sweater, "Thank you."

He nods to my words and I begin to leave the camp.

I look up at the sky, clouds, huge clouds.

No North Star.

"Looking for someone up there?"

"Something." I correct him.

"Funny. I always look for someone." He gives me a weak smile. It took me a moment to realize that he was talking about a loss. I look at his eyes and they are bright, but I can see they've lost hope.

"How long?"

"About a year ago."

I was referring to the person he lost and he understood me. I didn't want to push farther into the subject.

I saw his head fall and a pained expression took upon his face, but he soon replaced it with his smile.

"What's got your face all puffy Lillian?" He asked me so sudden.

"Guess I lost someone too."




Was all I received. I sighed and decided to head for my camp.

It would be difficult and I knew That I would get lost along the way. I didn't know where I was in Norway, or how far did I walk into that sewer to lead me up here. Before I could even take three steps away from this camp, the boy stops me.

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