Chapter Five

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{Chapter Five}

"Ah, Friday, is there any better day than today?" I ask Christian as I sign a few more documents. Christian glances up from his filing, a flat look on his face.

"Yeah, it's called Saturday," he drawls. He drops a paper into the file cabinet, yawning and rubbing his eyes to remove tears brought on by the yawn.

"Oh boo, stop being so pessimistic. Come on, what are your plans?" I urge as I continue to sign my life away.

"Fine, I don't have plans. But I assume you do," he mutters with a roll of his eyes. I sigh happily at this as I add another signature.

"In fact I do. With--"

"David," he interrupts knowingly. I glance away from the endless paperwork to send him a glare.

"Okay Mr. Know It All. Yes, with David." I finally get to the last twenty pages and scan them quickly to insure they're all correct. When I'm satisfied with the first ten I begin signing and adding my initials.

"You're spending a lot of time with him," Christian notes, filing another paper and leaving him with what seems to be only forty more to file.

"Are you jealous?" I tease. He rolls his pale green eyes and shakes his head, his hair falling into his eyes so he has to run a hand through it to move it.

"No, I'm not jealous. I'm just stating a fact," he replies but there's something in his voice I can't quite pinpoint.

"But?" I prompt. I put my pen down to flex my hand and look to Christian expectantly. I can tell he has more to say on the subject from the slight hesitation in his voice at the end. He glances at me quickly before he continues filling but finally sighs after a few minutes of my staring.

"It just seems like you're beginning to get feelings for him, more than just friendly feelings," he adds sternly. His eyes lock on mine, searching for answers regarding his accusation. I shift slightly under his gaze before I grab my pen and start working on my paperwork as an excuse to break the eye contact.

"It's nothing, I'm not getting feelings for him," I mutter. But I have to admit there are times I thought of David in terms that weren't so innocent. Though I already thought about this when I first started getting to know Dave and I already know nothing would come of it if we tried to date. He's clearly a closed off person and I don't like dating. It just wouldn't work. I know that, which is exactly why I've banished all thoughts of this.

"Alright, if that's what you want to keep telling yourself." He opens a new drawer, drops a paper in, closes it, opens another, drops a new paper or papers in it, closes it, and repeats the process for the next hour.

It's silent as we continue working, trying to finish before we get off in the next thirty minutes. Christian finishes a few minutes before me, and after I finish it leaves us a few minutes before we clock out.

"Alright, are you seriously not doing anything today?" I ask in exasperation, pulling my eyes from the clock to watch Christian.

He's currently slumped in the chair in front of my desk, chin resting against his hand to hold up his head, with tired green eyes and auburn hair falling in his face. His breathing is even and he looks two seconds away from succumbing to sleep but manages to stay awake to answer me.

"I really don't. Is that hard to understand?" he mumbles in question. After he says this his eyelids fall against his pale eyes, arm falling from his chin to rest instead on his arm.

"It's a bit surprising. A hot guy like you could have anyone you want and yet you choose to stay home and sleep. Tsk, you should be out enjoying your youth," I urge. When he doesn't respond, open his eyes or really make any sort of indication that he heard me I roll my eyes and toss a pen at his head. He jumps when the black plastic object bounces off his head onto the floor and glares at me.

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