Chapter Six

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{Chapter Six}

Time is strange. It can go fast, and unfathomably slow.
Just yesterday the leaves on the trees were turning from vibrant green to dying yellow, orange as the beginning of October came. Now when I walk outside the tree leaves are starting to come back to that lush green; beautiful flowers of pink, red, yellow, blooming to indicate Spring.

It's already a new year, nearly halfway through when just yesterday I was handing out candy to trick or treaters. It's unbelievable that this much time has gone by, it's shocking. Yet right now as I sit in wait for David at our usual spot, it feels like time has stopped.

The thirty minutes it's taking him to walk here feels like an eternity. Every second is a year, every minute a millennium. Of course, if he just accepted my offer to pick him up I wouldn't have to wait but apparently he doesn't want to be driven around because in the eight months we've known each other and I've driven him he's gained some weight. I don't see it but whenever I try to argue, it ends because I give up.

It's strange how excited I am just to see the strange man with deep blue eyes, the same guy who keeps insulting my choice of transportation, saying it's a gas guzzling monstrosity. But I long to see him strut over here, a walk that oozes his masculine power despite being so tiny, and a tad feminine. It's a power I never noticed before last month when he had to fight off a few costumers trying to be too touchy feely.

He warned them that they need to keep their hands off him, but they didn't listen. They continued to grope and grasp, trying to pull him into their laps. When it became clear that they weren't going to let go he told them to leave, they didn't listen. So he did the only thing he could when they got more persistent.

He grabbed the ringleader, pulled the bastard outside, and needless to say the man won't be coming around the diner again.

I was getting nervous, but after seeing that I noticed that despite his size and lack of muscles, he's pretty tough. Now I can't help but notice that powerful air around him, the one that I somehow missed the eight months I've known him.

"What are you thinking about?" I glance over at the sound of David's voice and a smile pulls up my lips. He changed out of the clothes he was wearing earlier consisting of black jeans with a white shirt, into a pair of tight gray jeans and a plain black t shirt. His hair is a bit damp meaning he took a shower before coming here, and his eyes hold bags from working a double night shift. It's any wonder he came this early in the morning to meet me.

"Time," I reply vaguely, not wanting to admit that I was thinking about him. That would be weird, right? I don't think friends are supposed to think about each other in their free time, I don't tend to do so with Christian. Except when I get reminded of him like earlier today when my phone so kindly yelled at me to tell me it's his birthday.

"Tell me the truth," he deadpans, giving me a stern glare. I roll my eyes, wondering how he knows I'm lying.

"It's not important." I force a laugh and my eyes catch the blooming yellow flowers.


"The flowers are starting to bloom, I think they got prettier this year. I have some in my front yard, but they won't stay alive, they all die," I add with another eye roll. I can't even keep a few flowers alive. There was a point when I was going to get a pet but when the flowers died the week after I planted them I decided it would be best not to adopt a poor, innocent pet. Knowing my luck it wouldn't make it a day.

"If you want to plant some more, I can help. I live in an apartment so I can't keep a big garden but I do have a lot of house plants. And I used to take care of my aunt's plants until she moved. It isn't too hard," he adds, voice tired. I glance to him out of the corner of my eyes, noticing only now that he closed his eyes and slumped against the bench, looking exhausted.

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