Only You (Marshall Eriksen)

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(A/N This was originally going to be a Barney one shot but I realized just this morning that Ted and Barney one shots literally outnumber Marshall one shots 4 to 1. In a attempt of apology to my poor neglected Marshmallow, I decided to write this one shot. P.s. If anybody has any requests for a preference or one shot, that would be greatly appreciated.)
Recently, Marshall and Lily been spending a lot of time together and you were slightly worried. Sure, they were "just friends" and you trusted both of them completely, but at the same time you were already insecure about your relationship with Marshall and him spending so much time with Lily didn't help to diminish your doubts.

You were pulled out of your worried thoughts by the ding of the elevator, indicating that you had reached your desired floor. With that, you walked out of the elevator and to your best friend's door to see if she could confirm to you that nothing was going on between her and Marshall. However, as you raised your hand to knock on her apartment door, you noticed that a familiar voice was currently talking. Hoping that it wasn't who you thought it was, you fished your spare key to Lily's apartment from your purse and inserted it into the keyhole, twisting the door handle lightly to open the door slightly.

Peeking through the small crack of the door, your suspicions were confirmed. Marshall was crouched on the ground in front of Lily on one knee, his back turned to you as she looked at him with raw emotion in her face. "I love you so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" He asked her.

With that, your heart shattered into pieces and you didn't even stay to listen to Lily's response before sprinting away, a painful sob escaping from your lips. Hearing the sound, Marshall turned around to catch your fleeing figure.

Once you had arrived back in your shared apartment with Marshall, you balled up in the corner of your room, as torrents of tears streamed down your face. You let out frustrated sobs as you thought about what you had just witnessed. "How could he?" You asked yourself. Suddenly, the door to your locked bedroom shook, and you heard pounding.

"Y/n, it's not what you think it is," Marshall shouted as he finally gave up on trying to open the door. "Oh really? Because it sounds like you asked Lilly you marry you!" You screamed back. You heard a sigh at this, and you prepared for Marshall to give up on you and go to Lilly instead. Instead, his voice spoke up again. "It's not like that you know," he protested, "for me there's only you." You let out another sob at his remark, not knowing what to do.

"I was practicing with her, seeing as that she's your best friend." Marshall explained. You thought this over, knowing what he meant but not daring to believe it. You asked, "What do you mean?" "Y/n you know exactly what I mean," Marshall answered patiently," I wanted to do this another way but please can you open the door." You did as he asked, opening the bedroom door to find him in a position you had caught him in but a hour ago.

Your heart thumped faster than it ever had before, racing out of control as you looked at the man you loved kneeling before you, a small velvet box held in his palm.

"Y/n, I fell in love with you the moment I saw you, and I know that that sounds incredibly cliche but it's true. There's no other way to describe it. The minute I first met you, I envisioned this future for me and you. Of course, then I didn't even know you, but I already knew that we would have something undeniably beautiful. And I was right of course. Every morning I wake up with you curled up in my arms and I think of how lucky I am. Every time you kiss me, it's even more spark filled than the first time. Some romances fizzle out because they run out of firsts, but every moment with you feels more vibrant and more exciting than the first. I love your stubbornness, I love your motivation for life, and I love the way you love me. So please, I guess what I'm asking now is, f/n l/n will you do me the honor of marrying me."

More tears streamed down your face, but this time it was from joy and not sorrow. "Yes," you told him and as he slipped the ring onto your finger, all was forgiven. You brought him into a passionate kiss, mounding your lips to a pair you knew so well.

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