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I had finally done it.

No more lengthy exams, late nights spent studying, stressing over the fact that I'm a raging procrastinator, or boring and annoying lectures. University was fun and all but I didn't think I'd miss it. Now I got to be on the field instead of learning what to do when I eventually got here. I got to experience.

Slowly but surely, I walked through the shiny glass doors of the hospital where I'd be working as a personal nurse to a specific patient who's family hired me to take care of him.

As I approached the front desk, Zelda - the friendly lady sat at the front desk - stood up with a portfolio in hand.

"Hi sweetheart, how ya doing?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"I'm good thanks. Can't wait for today" I
replied excitedly.

"Well here's his file," she says as she hands me the portfolio, "Follow me."

As I followed her into the elevator, I started looking through the blue manilla portfolio. The name 'Hayden Olsen' was printed in big bold letters on the front. When I opened it up, I was shocked to see Hayden's information. He was suffering from chronic heart arrythmia. He had basically spent his whole life in hospital because of it!

I lifted my head and shook it to get out of the haze I was in and listened to what Zelda was saying, "Since today is your first day, you can just introduce yourself and try and get to know each other. Beware though he's a bit rough around the edges. Poor kid's had a tough time. Anyways just check his vitals, have him fed and then you're done for the day. He's got a night time nurse, but he'll be moved out soon so you can actually be a live-in when he gets the go ahead from Steven- I mean Dr Roberts."

"Steven, huh?" I asked teasingly.

Zelda blushed a deep red, cleared her throat and walked away mumbling something about having some problem to sort out. I giggled and thought to remember to ask her about that later.

I stepped towards the intimidating grey door. It stood proud and tall against the pure white walls and tiles that covered the hallways of the hospital. Slowly, I brought my shaking hand up to the door handle and pushed downwards and forwards.

I gasped as I stepped in. I knew I was supposed to be neutral about this stuff but something about seeing this man like this, had my heart racing.

There, in the middle of the sterile smelling room, was a man lying on a single bed. His skin was awfully pale from the lack of sunlight, which majorly contrasted with his long raven hair that lay messily on his head, but he was absolutely beautiful. His face, structured with sharp edges as if that of a Greek god but with full cheeks that gave him a boyish look, was a sight to see. He looked aged though with his forehead creased and his eyebrows scrunched up, contrary to his actual age.

After standing at the doorway and observing the man like a creep, I decided it was time to interrupt the peace in room by waking him up. Now that I was standing beside the bed, I gently shook his shoulders and he began to stir.

He woke up with a start and he seemed frightened until he realised that I was just a nurse, then his mouth turned into a snarl.

"Who the fuck are you?!"

Taken aback by his rudeness, I froze up.

"Well?!" he all but demanded.

"Uhm.. uh-uh- well I'm A-Alison Reeke. Your new.. uh.. nurse."

Great, now he thinks I'm an idiot.

"I can't belive they replaced Silvia with you."

Slightly hurt I spoke up, "Well Silvia is pregnant and has a family to take of. So if you could just accept she isn't coming back, that would be great. Thanks."

I walked over to him and started checking his vitals. Everything seemed relatively fine.

"Are you experiencing any pain?"

"Look, I don't like you so why don't you just fuck off?"

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself . It's barely been ten minutes with this guy and he was already pissing me off. "Look buddy, I'm your new nurse whether you like it or not and since you don't know me, you can't judge my character yet so let's get to know each other."

"I'm not your friend sweetheart."

"Fine then, I'll just do my job. I'm going to go get you food so don't do anything stupid."

"Whatever, mom."

Why did he have to act like a brat?! I was just trying to be nice.

When I returned, I placed his tray with a bowl of soup, a bottle of water and his meds, on the bedside table. I'm guessing he couldn't stomach much. I turned around to leave the room, but was surprised when I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I looked down to see Hayden looking up at me.

"Look, I'm sorry. It's been a-a bad day and I-uhm- have difficulty trusting people."

When his words sunk in, a giant smile stretched across my face.

"Uh-uh, don't get ahead of yourself now."

"Fine, fine, I'll stop." I tried to wipe the smile off my face but I couldn't so I just turned around and said, "There's your food and medicine."

I heard rustling and then the sound of soup being slurped. I spun around and gave him the stink eye, "Seriously?"
He shrugged and carried on.

I sat in the chair next to the bed and while waiting for him to finish up I stared out the window to look at the city until I was interrupted.

"You should probably start looking for a new job."


"Come on, I'm on my death bed I won't be breathing for much longer."

I was confused, "But.. Zelda said the doctor would release you soon..."

"Only because I refuse to die in a hospital."

"Oh Hayden! Don't be like that. For all you know, you could be improving."

"I've been in and out of this hospital since I was 13. Mostly in than out."

"Don't give up."

"Don't talk to me like you know a damn about what I'm going through," he all but growled out.

"Oh. I'm sorry. See you tomorrow then."

"Yeah whatever."

"Bye Hayden."

Hurt, I got up from my chair and shot him a small smile. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door, down the hallways with a little less bounce in my step than when I came in. I knew I shouldn't be so sensitive but something about when he said it, made it hurt. I had to toughen up though. He's file said he was a hard nut to crack, but that was a like a blow to the stomach.

Well, this was gonna be tough.


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