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Lying in bed that night, I couldn't stop thinking about Hayden.

Why was he so rude to me? He doesn't even know me!

Deciding to rather think about this another time, I scurried across the room to switch the lights off.

I navigated myself through the dark quickly to escape the creatures in the dark until I felt my bed and climbed in under the covers. Turning on my side, I reached out, switched the bedside lamp on and grabbed the worn book I was  re-reading off the bedside table, 'Looking for Alaska'.

This book never stopped being good as I re- read it. It always made me nostalgic of when I first read the book when I was 15 in a cafe of a bookstore. I would go there everyday after school until I could finally afford to buy the book. It wasn't that I couldn't afford the book really, but I have always earned the money I used to buy the books I wanted from my weekend job at an ice cream parlour.

I read for about an hour until I my eyelids became heavy and I was pulled under.


Waking up the next morning, I came up with what I thought was a brilliant idea to cheer up that poor, sad sack of a man that was stuck lying in a hospital bed all day.

I jumped out of bed, showered and quickly got dressed into a pair of blue jeans and a somewhat good-looking white blouse and packed a bag of what I needed. After checking the time, I grabbed an energy bar, an apple and my glasses and ran out the front door of my apartment to my car.

I parked my car in the 'employees only' section and walked on inside.

"Hey Zelda, is he up yet?" I asked the lady sitting at the front desk.

"Mmhmm, you can walk on right in, honey."

I walked into the elevator and while waiting for it to reach the fifth floor, I went over my plan one last time. Still lost in thought, I walked out of the elevator, face down and bumped into a wall. A very warm and bumpy one at that.

Wait a second...

I notice a pair of large feet in vans and lift my head up to have the air knocked right out of me. A gorgeous man stood in front of me. His hair was styled in a quiff of chocolatey brown goodness with a fringe that fell just above his warm chestnut eyes that I could get lost in all day. He had light freckles sprinkled across his cheeks and over his cute button like nose. Looking down, I noticed that the man was wearing scrubs and the arms that came out from his shirt showed that he definitely kept fit.

Ooh, a hot doctor. Another perk of being a nurse - besides helping people of course.

"Hey," he said with his smooth and tantalising voice, "Sorry about that."

"O-oh, n-no problem. I mean, that was totally my fault. I should've been watching where I was going but I wasn't focused and bumped into you. Wow I'm sorry about that. You know what, I think I should stop talking now. Yop. Okay. Please say something," I rambled off. I could feel my cheeks heating up as the man watched me with amusement dancing in his eyes.

"It's alright. I'm Matthew, but you can call me Matt. And you are?" he asked putting his hand out.

"Alison. Alison Reek. I'm a new nurse here. Well, part-time. At least until my personal patient is released..." I said while shaking his hand with a firm grip, "...and you didn't need to know that. Nice to meet you Matt. Well, I've got to go but I'll see you around I hope," I said feeling extremely awkward.

I swiftly walked down the hall after throwing a quick goodbye Matthew's way, barely giving him time to respond.

Opening up the door I walked in, "Hey hey hey."

"Go away," he grumbled into his pillow so it was barely audible.

"Well someone's not a morning person," I mumbled under my breath.

"Come on, sleepy head. It's already after eight. We've got things to do."

But Hayden didn't reply, he just groaned and turned away from me.

Fine. Be like that.

I devilish smile made its way onto my face when an idea popped in my head. I decided to try something I saw on Dora the Explorer once - the girl clearly did not know how to whisper.

"TIPTOE! TIPTOE!" I screamed while exaggerating tiptoe-ing towards him. "FREEZE!" I yelled as I pulled the pillow from under him.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?" he shouted.

"Uh uh uh. No swearing Mister," I said scolding him with a sly smirk on my face.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Where'd you even get that shit?"

"D-Dora the the Ex-Explorer," I responded while laughing so hard that I probably looked like a retarded seal that was choking on a fish.

After finally having calmed down, I plopped onto the chair next to his bed where I could feel Hayden's glare on me.

"Well that was fun. But that's not what I've got planned. So bas-" I stop when I was rudely interrupted.

"Oh no. That's enough excitement for today. You can do your job or leave."

What a jerk! Okay, maybe I shouldn't have pulled the pillow from under him...

"Okay, I'm sorry for that. Let's just get you checked and fed and we just do one other thing. How 'bout it?"

"Then you'll leave?"

"Well I have to stay until dinner time but I could sit quiet and not bother you all day if we just do this one thing."




"Pinky promise," I said with my pinky finger held out towards him.

He stared at it with a strange look on his face until he begrudgingly caved and wrapped his longer pinky around mine.

Yes! We're finally getting somewhere.

"So what's the thing we're doing?" he decides to enquire.

"We're playing Twenty Questions."


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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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