Chapter 15

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Lavinia was surprised at how quickly her first season was passing. The days were full of calls with her aunt and balls and dinners filled almost every evening. Her brothers were busy too, going on carriage rides and dancing with other young debutantes, and Lavinia spent more and more time with Judith and Miss Kelly. The trio stayed together during the day, however, at night, Judith often spent the evenings flirting with Caleb who was usually with Charles and Lavinia conversed and danced with other young gentlemen. And yet, she could not help but wish she could be with Caleb herself. She had often gone over to them with Judith but then Caleb would excuse himself and Judith wouldn't speak to her for the rest of the evening.

Lavinia was getting ready for yet another ball, but this time, it was hosted by her Aunt Julie.

"Bring the table a little further forward...change the napkins to the red ones, I've decided to wear my new dress after all...keep the glasses flowing with drink...what a merry party we shall have..." and on her Aunt Julie went the whole morning and afternoon until around three o'clock when she exclaimed "my goodness! Is that the time? I must get myself ready!"

Lavinia had taken the hours to spare to play the harp and as she did so she reflected on Caleb and, yet again, she could not figure out a plausible reason for his marked avoidance of her. She had not been particularly nice to him at first, she realised. She had been rude as he had tried to apologise, however she had forgiven him when they had become reaquainted in London. He had saved her from the horrid men who had attempted to abduct her and had been nothing but gentlemanly, if not more, during her recovery in his home.

He was the only one who knew about the over possessive Colin Black as he had been there when he had threatened Lavinia, and Lavinia had been so grateful to him when he had helped her back to the carriage as she was exhausted. The last time she had spoken to him like a true friend however was at their game of rounders. She had played well and they had shared a few moments when she thought he perhaps liked her, however he hadn't spoken to her since. He had cut her off whenever she spoke to him and avoided her company. What had she done?


The ball began promptly and Aunt Julie was ready in a voluminous red dress with a matching red feathery headpiece entangled in her hair.

"My my, Lavinia!" she exclaimed as she came down the stairs. "You look adorable darling!"

"Thank you Aunt," she blushed at the comment. "Your new dress flatters you immensely."

Her aunt waved off her compliment and began to greet their guests. Countless young men were introduced to Lavinia, several of whom she already knew. She was showered in compliments on her hair, dress and smile and she accepted them all gracefully, the way all young women were supposed to. When Judith entered she threw her a fake smile before sauntering off in pursuit of Caleb who had arrived only moments before.

As Mr Thomas Jackson approached, he saw through Lavinia's smile as it had become strained with impatience and he politely turned to her aunt and asked if she could excuse her niece so that they could dance. Aunt Julie readily accepted and Lavinia gratefully took his arm.

"Thank you Mr Jackson, I was getting a little impatient there," she admitted to him as they joined the other dancers.

"Anytime," he replied light heartedly. "You are also probably bored of being complimented tonight."

Lavinia chuckled, "how did you know?" she asked rolling her eyes.

"I have a younger sister, Victoria, who is very similar to you. She loves balls and society, however there are some aspects she finds rather tiresome."

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