15 years later

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"Time to go crime sweetheart" dad called
I loved doing bad things but secrets are also involved..... Yes Ik I am the jokers daughter but still my parents would hate me. Lately I have been getting super sick in the mornings and I started gaining a little weight. I knew exactly what was wrong. I guess I'm responsible for another life . This sucks I haven't told anyone. And I do not plan to.
"Ace hurry puddin wants to go " mom replied with her deep Brooklyn accent.
I ran down the steps, I guess I should tell them eventually maybe after this meeting with his henchmen. This was gonna be a long ride.
H-Harley j-joker a-ace conversation
J- this is gonna be a great night dolls batsy gonna get it big time.

H-(laughs) Mistah J! What are we gonna do our baby's almost 16 years old! Ace baby how bout u tell us what place u wanna terrorize for ya special day. (Looks back)

A- I wanna (stutters) uh... Um.... Can you pull over?

J- were here doll we don't need to.( gets out of car walks in building along with Harley)

A-( throws up) I hate myself so bad! I don't wanna join that meeting . This stinks.

I was feeling horrible. My throat ached from the acidy taste in my mouth. I put my hand on my lower stomach . "Well baby it's just you and me". Next thing I know mom is hovering over me.
"When did you get here? Y- y- you didn't hear anything right!!!?!! I was scared. I guess I have to pack and leave.
"No honey. But I did hear you. Why didn't you tell us sooner?"
"Cause of daddy. He's always busy . And I'm kinda scared of him .... Go back with dad I'll be fine I promise I'll tell him soon to."

"Be safe out here yell if you need me princess." Mom kissed my head before she walked away.

That wasn't so bad I thought to myself. Some white van pulled up and I started heading inside when they grabbed my mouth. My screams werre instantly muffled. "Help!!!" Finally I hope TEY hear me. Dad ran outside shooting at the men . He was to slow.... Someone kid napped me.....

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