Do you appreciate it more?

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I'v decided to write a poem, dedicated to my supporters, and all those who read, who vote. I even feel too humbled to call you my fans. But I just want to show my appreciation to all of you, without straying away from the nature of my poems which are about love and expressing it to this 1 special person.

I wonder if you'll ever get to read this book
But for all who do
I wonder if they realise how much I love you?

Laying on my bed, writing this poem, it has me thinking
What's the difference between 2 people and more
And the real person you writing it for
Guess the distant appreciate it more

I got a comment from a 13year old, she said she has never met a better writer than me before
Before I met u, I didn't write so sure
Yet I can't help but bare the question, do you appreciate it more?

Because the most real things are the hardest to believe
Now I question if it's you or them, my heart I should give.
Because love is love no matter what form it comes in

They vote, they comment but it's your eyes I'm staring at
Most of them I never met, never might
Now me and you might just end up as friends,
But realise this is written love with no regrets

This is how they make me feel
They say: "i love it."
They communicate with me and my heart telling me how it sounds written.
Yet me and you haven't even talked in ages

Yet they are not the ones who step on the mess of my flaws
They not the ones with a choice to make on whether to stay or not
Knowing how it feels to live in the mist of my poking thorns

I understand, if you feel insulted, that how could I even ask you the question, do you appreciate it more?
But these are pieces of my heart, I give to no1 else
Not even to fans

Yet it's their votes and comments, that are my helping hand,
To show that I do appreciate it more (I appreciate you)
As they do (My work)

It's amazing how this book started with 1 poem, but continues to evolve. I feel like this is no longer a book I write on my own but a book I now write with you.

WORDS THAT MODEL OUR LOVE INTO LIFE. When You Not Here To TouchWhere stories live. Discover now