003. disguise

894 93 18

^ inspired by destiny

The novelty of space flight wore off very, very quickly.

Within two hours, Mitch found himself lying on the couch in the back of the ship, bored out of his fucking mind. He wanted to take a while to process all this new information before he started asking more questions, and he didn't dare ask for some kind of book or movie or something to keep himself occupied. So he just laid on his back and suspended a pair of red dice he found above his head with his mind, and rotated them around each other over and over and over again while he thought. It was like stretching a muscle he hasn't used in a very long time -- it felt good. His brain constantly had an itch that only using his powers could scratch, and when he did, his body felt like it was vibrating.

But... it didn't calm his overactive and sleep deprived mind like he was hoping it would.

Scott. The evil ruler of a galactic empire that liked to blow up planets for fun. He wondered what Kirstin meant, when she said just for fun. It seemed unlikely that the commander of an empire would do something like that just for fun, but then again, he was completely foreign to the moral and ethical standards of outer-space relations. He imagined Earth on the receiving end of Scott's boredom, and it made him angry, and his sudden flush of rage made his body tingle and the dice spin faster on their own accord.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself. His mother told him he wasn't allowed to use his powers when he was angry, because things got ugly when he did. He didn't want to accidentally kill everyone on the ship with two plastic cubes, no matter how good it felt to use his powers, so he forced himself to just breathe. The dice gradually slowed as Mitch's anger subsided, and so did the tingle in his brain, but he couldn't help but relish in the mini high the surge of power gave him. 

Kirstin watched him spin the dice in the corner of the ship with a curious expression, and while Mitch knew she could probably do it a thousand times better herself, he was sure she was just relieved to see someone else use powers like hers. Right? Right. He could understand -- when she used her powers, Mitch somehow felt like he wasn't alone in the universe. And even though Scott was the villain in this new twisted sci-fi story, he felt less alone knowing he existed, too.

He was about ready to fling the dice through one of the windows to end his bored suffering when Avi finally clambered out of the cockpit and grabbed his jacket off the back of a chair. "We're making a pit stop," he said flatly, tugging the black leather over his shoulders. "Ordalla. We have to take a shortcut around the Capital to get to Jurakín, and I am not taking you guys anywhere near imperial ships with broken shields."

"We can't just stop," Kirstin argued flatly while she picked at her nails, pretending like she wasn't just watching Mitch for over two hours. "Mitch is onboard. We can't just leave him here while the ship is getting fixed."

Avi smirked at her and crossed his arms over his chest in a cocky way that made Mitch roll his eyes. "Then we'll take him with us," he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Mitch's heart raced at the idea and he suddenly realized what exactly was happening here -- him, on a foreign planet? He daydreamed about that, oh, he didn't know, every single day of his life?

But Kirstin scoffed and stared at the captain with the most 'are-you-kidding-me' expression Mitch has ever seen. "Yeah! Good idea, cap! Let's just waltz right out there with the only human in the entire star system, and sneak right past the soldiers on high alert for a human! Great plan, genius!" And then one of the die above Mitch's head was out of his control, and Kirstin was flinging it at full force directly at Avi's head. It clinked against his forehead and clattered to the floor, and Mitch covered his mouth to stifle his giggle when Avi whined a pathetic ow and rubbed his head.

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