016. meditate

529 29 17

this is graphic and also a whole lot more than any of u signed up for


Guards knocked on his door the instant he clipped his cloak on the very next morning, and this time, he wasn't afraid to meet their eyes. For the last 24 hours, he'd been doing nothing but flexing his powers' muscles by tossing books around and making them land in perfect formation. Now that he understood the strength of his true powers, a few boring aliens in purple couldn't make him do anything he wanted to do, which wasn't the biggest deal because for once he wanted to train with Scott. A room gets boring when there's only one thing to do, and two showers weren't enough to quench his boredom. 

They seemed to understand his new resolve the instant he pushed them away when they tried to grab him. He met their eyes challengingly with his chin held high, and luckily for his powers, they stepped away and gave him enough room to walk on his own. It's not like he had no idea where he was going anymore; the new grasp on his powers gave him a bizarre sense of direction, and a new kind of confidence he'd never felt before.

As tough as the guards may seem, they were obviously petrified of him, just like everyone on this ship (except for Scott). Apparently their beloved Commander hadn't told them where Mitch stood on this ship, because every species of every profession bowed their head in respect as he passed, and his confidence was only boosted every time they did. They were probably terrified he'd rip their head off or something, but Mitch didn't care; his powers were relishing in the respect, and even though he wasn't sure why, he made the most of it before Scott wisened-up and told them all to knock it off.

It's not like he had the ship memorized, but he's pretty sure they took him to a wing of the ship he'd never been to before, and his suspicions were confirmed when he saw what was at the end of the solitary corridor. An ornate black door that was grander than any he'd ever seen before was sticking out like a sore thumb against the dim lighting, and for the first time on this trek, he felt extremely unnerved. The guards stood at attention behind him with a quiet stomp of their feet, and he stepped forward tentatively, not sure what he was supposed to do next.

The door was engraved with an odd circular symbol, he realized as he stepped forward, and the door itself was made of the same material as Scott's swords. It reminded him of onyx or obsidian, but he was sure it was some odd futuristic space rock that served some weird purpose that Mitch wasn't smart enough to understand. Speaking of Scott, where was he...? He felt his powers on the ship, but they were distant and untraceable, like he was everywhere and nowhere all at once. Was he on the other side of this door? How the hell was he even supposed to open said door?

He ran his finger across the smooth material, looking for some kind of handle or anything, but he found nothing. He sighed in frustration and held back the urge to punch it into submission; this was obviously some kind of puzzle-y test, and knowing Scott, it was a test of Mitch's powers. So with a deep breath and the confidence that he could do this, he silenced his thoughts, and listened to the intuition he constantly carried in his brain.

The urge to summon his powers to his palm and rest it over the symbol overwhelmed him, so he did just that; surprisingly enough, he could feel intricate mechanical parts working together behind the material, loose enough for him to budge, but tight enough to make it a struggle. He grinned as he nudged the parts against each other in a circular motion, and he realized what an ingenious lock this was; it was designed so only people with powers like theirs could open it and enter.

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