Willow spills

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Willow couldn't sit still from the moment I walked into the shop. She handed me a Starbucks frappe and began her story. '' Austin and the boys are touring round Europe this holiday'' she said looking at me with a wide smile hoping I would click on to what she was trying to tell me. ''And obviously I said I would go, as my parents are going to Australia to visit my Uncle Tom, and clearly I would much rather spend it bonding with Austin'' she paused to look at my reaction, once she seen the confused look on my face she started babbling on again ''but the boys get incredibly busy doing interviews and signings that I often get bored and lonely, if only I had someone with me that I could go site seeing or exploring with while Austin was gone'' Oh no. I finally caught on. She can't expect me to actually spend my whole summer with a bunch of strangers on a smelly bus, surely not. I looked up at her hoping she would change the direction her news was going. '' so I asked Davey, the Tides manager, to see if it was possible... And he said yes!!! Oh please , please say you will Sienna it will be so fun I promise'' Willow grinned at me hopefully. I didn't know how to react, sure exploring different monuments around Europe with my best friend would be incredible but what if I'm the one who gets left alone, I don't know any of the boys from the band. Iv never even met Austin and Willow and him have been dating for well over a year. Willow was still staring at me. ''You don't even have to think of it as going on tour'' she said as she seen my worried face. '' just imagine you and I traveling around exploring, the only part were you have to be in the bands company is while we travel and believe me S they are really such a laugh you will love them I promise''

It won't be that bad will it, I could find it extremely educational. And it is a once in a life time opportunity. Even if I didn't enjoy it I could easily find a way home. Yes I can do this, it's not like I would miss my family very much. '' yes okay I will come'' I say apprehensively. Willow looked ecstatic. ''This is going to be so awesome, I promise you won't regret it!'' I smiled at Willow, it will do me some good to travel and explore more than just a take it menu. ''Well I better text Austin and Davey you have agreed to come, I'll send you all the details as soon as I find out okay? I best be off Mum and Dad want me home for dinner, I think they are missing me'' I wave off Willow and make my way to my Dads house which is along the beach front

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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