No Longer

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"My lady." Opal's Pearl bowed and helped her out of her seat in the transportation pod. Her blue dress and cape flowed forward along with her ombre hair. She reached up to her chest to make sure her gem was clean, as she could not go see Her Diamond with a dirty gem. Opal's peridot bowed as well, and she ruffled her hair and said, "Oh, stop it Peridot." Peridot laughed. Even though the two were supposed to have a professional relationship, Owner and slave, Pilot and Co-Pilot, They had grown to be close friends. Opal knew everything about Peridot- even how she's not really loyal to Their Diamond. In fact, she wishes to join the Crystal Gems. In her opinion, stealing planets for our good is not the right thing to do. However Opal refused to comment on the subject, for she am not sure how she feels one way or another. All Opal knows is that she was made to serve Her Diamond, and That she will do. Opal, Her Pearl, and Peridot entered the Grand Hall, where Yellow Diamond is located. Two Pearls stop them at the entrance, and make sure that they were supposed to be there. They entered the giant room, containing Their Diamond and her Rank 2 Pearl.

"Facet 5, Blue Opal #3. The third and last of my kind. Kernel and Pilot. Owner of one Peridot, and one Pearl. Reporting for duty, my Diamond."

"Facet 5, Pearl #5829. Servant of Lady Blue Opal. Reporting for duty, My Diamond.

"Facet 5, Generation 2 Peridot, #2450. Kernel and Co-Piolit for Lady Blue Opal. Reporting for duty, My Diamond."

"Peridot 2450."

"Yes, my diamond."

"I have some news. You're on king to like it, but that's not my concern."

"What is it? M-my diamond."

"I've noticed that you show loyally to the Crystal Gems. You will be shattered. That is all. You may head directly to the shattering chamber. Dismissed." 

"W-WhA- o.. Ok my Diamond. I apologize."

The three left the room. Opal released what she had been holding in for all of the Diamond's instructions. she stumbled backwards and let the tears fall from her eyes. "N-NO! I CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU, I-I CAN'T..." She didn't know how to express her emotion. "No." Peridot interrupted her endless line of struggle. "I have to. I don;t have another option." "We- We could run away. Join the Crystal Gems." Peridot stopped walking and turned round to face Opal. "Opal, she'll find us. No matter where we go, or what we do. She'll find us and she'll kill both of us. If I sacrifice myself, you won't have to die." Peridot was starting to cry now. By this time. the trio had reached the shattering chamber. Peridot opened the door, and began to go inside. "Goodbye." She spoke her final words to her best friend. All of a sudden, Opal let her emotions come over her, and she ran towards the closed door to try and stop Peridot. There had to have been a way to get out of here without detection. She swim open the door just in time. Just in time to see the green gem on her friend's neck be shattered into pieces, and her form burst into a million pieces. "N-NO!" Opal shooed out. But she was too late. Opal stuttered backwards, before running. She know where she was going. She reached the docking port, and ran into her ship. She collapsed in her pilot seat, Tears flowing forth. She would surly be punished for entering the shattering chamber without permission and while there was a shattering going on, no less. Opal sat up, still weeping and weak, and powered on the controls. her fingers slid and jumped across her finger screens, and she flew herself out of the open landing port. She headed towards the nearest planet. She switched her ship on auto pilot, and scrunched up into a ball. She saw it. She saw her best friend die. And, she wasn't sure, but maybe for a second. She could have sworn she saw peridot look over at her before it happened, tears in her eyes. 

Opal arrived on Earth.

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