Learning more.

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Steven, for the first time since he met Almandine, got a chance too look at her while they walked to the warp pad. She Had short, bouncy hair that was brick red, and she also had a sharp tooth poking out from her closed mouth. She wore a headband with three dots on it that looked like a red snowman. She wore a black shirt and two red sashes that ran opposite ways of each other. Each sash had black stars at the shoulders, but only one of her shoulders held her gem. She also wore red pants that had two red stripes each. Her black bow was wrapped loosely in a red ribbon. At the end of the ribbon, there was a chain that had the same symbol from her headband. She was barefoot. Al looked up at the gems uncomfortably. Pearl tried to calm her down by saying, "So, Almandine, We are the Crystal Gems. We have been protecting the earth for thousands of years from home world. You do know of home world and the diamonds, do you not?" Red shook her head. "O-oh. well, home world is the first colony that yes ever made. It;s sort of like a home base for the gems on other planets. It is also where the diamonds are. There are four diamonds. White, Pink, Blue, and Yellow. They are the leaders of the home world gems. We, the Crystal Gems, started a rebellion because we believe that taking over planets and wiping out their civilizations is wrong. How old are you to not know about the diamonds?" Al looked a bit frightened by this sudden overload of information, but she looked like she understood. "I.. I'm fourteen. My mom was an important gem to the diamonds, that was all I knew about them." Garnet looked shocked. "Your... Mom?" She asked. "Yeah, My mom was a good warrior for.. uhm, the pink one i think. My Dad worked as a doctor here on earth." "You're half gem, half human?" Steven asked. "Yeah? Is that abnormal..." She wondered. "Um, Yeah!! You and me are the only ones, like ever!!" Steven responded excitedly. The group continued to talk about Allie through the warping trip to the temple. "So, what are your powers? Steven asked when the two were sitting on the couch at home. "Well, I have my bow and arrow. I can also summon rock barriers and stuff. "COOL!! I have a shiel-


Steven was cut off by a very aloud sound outside. He called for the gems and they all went outside to see a blue ship crashed into the beach. and there was a gem, sprawled out on the ground in front of it. Wearing a blue dress with line designed to form a diamond, and a cape swell, she had ombre hair that was dark blue on the top and light near the bottom. She also had blue boots and a very big sword. Her gem, was cracked.

Hey guys, Why am i saying guys no one reads this crap, I'm going to bed now if anyone cares

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