Chapter 13

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The next day after seventh period, Serena was on her way home. Like always, she didn’t have the greatest of times at school, and couldn’t wait to get to the room and relax. She also wanted to see Cain again. They had spent all of yesterday together; it was probably the best time of her life.

            She walked down the sidewalk with a smile on her face, thinking about her only friend. Never has she met someone who actually knew how she felt, or could relate to her. Some of the girls in her previous home had experienced similar history as her, but they acted different. They didn’t show their selves friendly like Cain did. And it was because of that that Serena’s feelings for him had spiked.

            To other’s Cain was an unpredictable, odd, and disturbed teenager. Serena on the other hand saw him for who he really was. She had experienced his kindness, and knew his painful past played a major role in forging the person he was today. She liked his awkwardness and envied the way he stuck up for himself. In secret, Serena was beginning to fall him.

            “Aye baby girl!” A voice echoed, breaking Serena’s thought process. Her eyes narrowed and she hesitated to turn around, fearing who called her. K-9’s Monte Carlo glided next to her, cruising down the street at the same pace she did.  “What’s happenin’ with ya?” K-9 grinned.

             “N-nothin’,” Serena retorted. She continued to walk forward and kept her eyes ahead.

            K-9 hung his arm out of the car window, watching Serena’s every move. “I aint here from ya in a lil min’,” he exclaimed. “Had me worried.” Serena didn’t say a word, she wished he’d just go away and leave her alone. “Aye you need a ride?”

            “No,” she weakly shot back. K-9 stuck his head outside and glared at her in intimidation.

            “It aint right for young lady to walk by herself,” he added. His voice sounded calm, but it was laced with malicious. “Gon’ and get in…” his offer was more of a demand, and his eyes coerced her into opening the side door.

            Serena took a seat in the drug dealer’s cold car staying as far away from him as possible. K-9 pressed the auto lock, locking the doors and sped off. He leaned back in the seat while cruising down the street.

            “So what’s up baby girl? Where you been?” he questioned.

            “Home,” Serena quietly answered.

            “Word,” K-9 nodded. “It’s been like a month since I seen ya. And yo credit’s just about due…”

            Serena’s heart skipped a beat. She had forgot all about the money she owed him for the supply of drugs he gave her. “I-I, I don’t, have anything,” She admitted, staring at the carpet floor. K-9 turned down the music and leaned closer to her.

            “Say what?” he said, acting like he didn’t hear her the first time.

            “I said, I dont… have it,” she repeated, feeling even more ashamed than before.

            K-9 pulled a blunt from his jean pocket and placed it in his mouth. He glanced at Serena, scheming in the back of his mind. “Aye you’ll look in that glover compartment for me?” Serena shyly did as told, opening the compartment in front of her. The first thing her eyes caught hold of was the king size revolver lying by a pack of cigarettes. The barrel of the gun seemed to be pointing at her. “Aye you see my lighter?” he asked. Serena glanced around the glove compartment and spotted the lighter to the right of the gun. She grabbed it slowly and handed it to K-9.

            With out saying thank you, K-9 took the lighter and sparked his blunt. He appeared to lean back even further in his seat while smoking. Serena stared out of the window, waiting for him to speak again.

            “So you aint got the money huh?” he said, a deep glaze in his eyes. K-9 shook his head and shot Serena a cold stare. “Man what you gon do baby girl?”

            Serena sunk in her seat looking frightened. “I don’t, know…” she muttered.  K-9 clenched his jaw in anger, but seemed to calm down out of nowhere.

            “That’s cool. Cause we can work out a payment plan,” he swerved right into a narrow path on the side of the building. Driving further down the slim road, Serena began to grow nervous. This was not the way to her group home; in fact she had no idea where she was. K-9 stopped his cart in the back of the building and hit the blunt again. “I’ll tell you what. I like you baby girl, so imma let you make it up me.” Serena kept her eyes away from him, afraid to look his way. “I got a way for both us a make a lil money,” he stated. “But I need yo help.”

            “Wh-what’s that?”

            K-9 placed his hand on her thigh with a heartless expression on his face. “Imma need you to fuck somethin’,” he said coldly. Serena’s chest began to move up and down quickly. She knew what ever K-9 had in mind wasn’t going to be good, but would have never imaged prostitution.

            “No… I can get the money,” Serena implied, shaking her head fiercely.

            “Too late for that,” he replied, shutting that idea down. “You gon make us some good money too…” Serena turned her head as K-9 leaned in and kissed the side of her neck. “But I gotta see what you workin’ with first though.” After hearing that, Serena reached for the door handle, but was snatched up by K-9. “Com’ on baby girl… don’t make this hard.”

            “No…” Serena mumbled, trying to avoid the tongue that glided down the side of her face. “Please, I can get you the money…” K-9 wasn’t hearing a word she said. His mind was already made up. “Stop, . . . please” she begged. K-9 went for her shirt, pulling it off gently.

            “Relax baby girl…” he whispered. “You gon’ enjoy this.”

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