Chapter 5

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The same day after lunch was over, Serena walked to her fifth period class, which was gym. She got there extra earlier and sat on the far side of the bleachers. Minutes later, students started to fill up the gym. They piled unto the stands staying amongst their group of friends; leaving Serena by herself.

            The gym teacher, Coach Long entered the room once the late bell rang. He stood in front of the class and folded his arms. “Quiet down,” he said, raising his voice over the teens. “I need to take attendance,” He lifted his notepad and began calling out names.

            As Coach Long performed roll call, Serena felt stares and glanced to her right. A group of students, both girls and guys were at the top of the bleachers. They appeared to be looking at her clothing snickering to each other. Serena moved her eyes to the busted shoes that covered her feet. She’s had them for two years, but couldn’t afford anymore. Her shirt was unappealing as well, and her old jeans didn’t help. Compared to the others she was a fashion train wreck.

            She turned her head away from them, imagining the things they were saying about her. “Serena Woods, … Serena Woods,” Coach Long repeated, breaking Serena out of her daze. The coach was gazing at her with his notepad in hand. He knew he had a new student, but wanted to make sure she was her. “Your Serena aren’t you?” he asked.

            Serena slowly nodded her head.  “Y-yea,” she stammered. Some of the teens in the class chuckled at her lack of awareness, making Serena feel that much more uncomfortable.

            “Alright, the rest of ya’ll go get dressed. Serena, you wait here, I gotta get your uniform,” Coach Long informed, walking toward his office. Serena remained still, watching the other kids swarm into the different locker rooms. When Coach Long returned he handed Serena a grey and blue P.E uniform. “Here you go,” he smiled.

            Serena received the uniform and got up from the bleachers. Gym was her least favorite class; athletics have never been her strong side. She dragged her feet to the girl’s locker room, heading down the stairs.

            All the girls in her gym class were scattered throughout the locker room getting dressed. Serena moved through the cluster of females heading to the bathroom to change clothes. Due to certain past events, being naked in front of others was too much for her. She went to a bathroom stall and started to undress.

            Since she was the last person to get ready, Serena lingered around the locker room for a little bit. Knowing she couldn’t stay back any longer, Serena forced herself to exit the girl’s locker room and walked back to the basketball court. Coach Long stood in front of the class holding a mesh bag. He had his whistle hanging from his mouth as if it were a cigarette.

            “Today we’re playing volley ball, same as yesterday. I want this half of you over there, and the other half right here,” The coach instructed, pointing to two different volleyball court set-ups in the gym. The class took their time to divide, and took even longer to form two teams.

            Coach Long walked in the middle of the gym between the two volleyball nets. He removed two balls from a mesh bag and tossed them over to the students. “You know the rules,” he called out, placing on his dark shades. “Play ball!” he blew his whistle loudly, hurting a few ears.

            The class immediately started their game, hitting the balls back and forth between the teams. Serena was on the right side of the gym, standing as far away from the net as possible. She never played volleyball before, and didn’t know the rules. She just hopped the ball wouldn’t come her way.

            One girl named Jenifer was doing more talking than playing. Her and her friend Eliza were standing in front of Serena. When someone on the other team struck the volleyball, it flew over the net and toward Jenifer. Jenifer let out a high pitch shriek quickly moving out of the ball’s way. Seeing the volleyball come straight at her, Serena did the first thing that came to mind; she swung her arm and smacked it away.

            The ball bounced off Serena’s hand and slapped an unsuspecting Jenifer across the head. Jenifer over reacted to the blow, allowing herself to fall on the floor. Everyone who saw her get hit burst into laughter. Jenifer sat up looking shocked and hurt at the same time. Serena covered her mouth, embarrassed about what she did. She went to Jenifer extending her hand to help her up.

            “… Sorry …” Serena apologized. Her voice was so low it was almost a whisper.

            Jenifer swiped Serena’s hand away in anger. “What’s your problem?” she snapped. She slowly got to her feet tossing Serena the evil eye.

            Serena moved her hand away, placing it behind her back in shame. “I didn’t mean to…”

            “What ever,” Jenifer rudely interrupted, showing her disgust. Serena lowered her eyes, wondering why she even bothered. It seemed like every time she did something, she’d do it wrong, and she hated that. So for the rest of the period she chose to stay on the sidelines.

            Four minutes before the bell rang, Serena was in the locker room changing clothes in the bathroom stall like before. As soon as she got done, she reached to open the stall door, but heard voices enter the bathroom. It was Jenifer and Eliza.

            “Ugh, you saw what that trick did to me?” Jenifer said, going to a mirror to look at her self.

            “Yea,” Eliza chuckled. “It was hilarious.”

            “Shut up,” Jenifer shot back. “I was sooo pissed. I could just hit that bitch in the face,” Eliza laughed again. “With her ugly as clothes. You saw what she had on today?”

            “How couldn’t I?” Eliza exclaimed. “She looked like the poster child for the salvation army.” The two broke out in mocking laughter, unaware that very one they insulted could hear every word they said. “Someone needs to give her a make over.”

            Jenifer continued to primp in the mirror, pushing her long black hair to the back. “Girl please, Even with a make over she’d be lame. You saw how she act? … ‘sorry, I didn’t mean to’, ”Jenifer mimicked Serena’s soft voice in a goofy manner.

            “Oooh, that’s how she sound too,”

            “I was like, ‘bitch’ I got yo sorry,” Jenifer stated, right when she opened her mouth to say more, the bell rang. “Oh shit… we betta get outta here for we late.”

            Jenifer and Eliza rushed out of the bathroom, leaving an emotionally damaged Serena in the stall. Serena sat down on the toilet with the hurtful words she heard replaying in her mind. She wanted to cry, but held it in. tears never really were her thing, but that didn’t mean that what they said didn’t take its toll. Too Serena, it was just like her old school. First day there and already she was branded as an outcast.  

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