Chapter 3

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In the early morning of the  Leaf Village, our three companions were at the gates ready to leave for their training journey but their friends and family came to see them. Kushina came to Naruto and said, "Sweetie remember to listen to your uncle Orochimaru and Jiraiya but pay more attention to Orochimaru cause Jiraiya will most like try to turn you into a pervert like him." Orochimaru was laughing at what Kushina said  about his teammate but Jiraiya was looking down at the ground as she said that. "Ok mom, I will listen to uncle more than pervy sage here cause I don't want to be a pervert like him." said a smiling Naruto. That made Kushina happy to heard what her son said as well  as everyone that was there listening then Tsunade and Shizune hugged him as well kissed his forehead  and told him to be careful. All of his friends came up to him and wished him good luck on his journey as well honing his ninja skill then Sasuke gave him a B-rank fire jutsu and told, "I ask my dad if it was alright to give you one of our Fire jutsu scroll since you have a fire affinity and he said it was alright. Just give it back when you come home after your journey." With that said, Naruto took the scroll  and place it in his backpack then Sasuke hugged his best friend as well all of their friends join in the hug as well. The third Hokage came up to his surrogate grandson and gave him some advance books on fuuinjutsu to further his skills on it and he got into when his mom and Hirzuen told that the Uzumaki clan were specialists on fuuinjutsu and he should take it up as well and he did. Naruto's three years old  twin siblings came to him after all of his friends were done hugging him and he got down to their level to hug them as well and kiss their forehead suddenly his father appear in a yellow flash. Minato gave him a set tri-prong kunai cause he said, "Naruto, I know that I have not been there for you thee last three year, I thought by giving you set a special kunai as well as one of my Flying Thunder God Kunai cause I want to you to master my technique known as the Flying Thunder God Technique. With that being said, Naruto hugged his dad and said "Thank you dad for this and I will make you proud." As he said that to Minato, everyone was stunned that he call Minato dad for the first time and Minato cry as he hear his son finally call him dad and he hugged his son back as well and the two let go of each other so that  Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Anko (Anko convince her sensei and the Hokage to let her join as well then she resorted to use the puppy eyed jutsu on them until they finally caved in.) and Naruto were leaving on their journey.

As the group of four were at least a couple miles away from the village, Jiraiya said "It will take a couple of days to get to the land of whirlpools so that Naruto can search for the other three legendary summon scroll cause Ragnarok ask him to do this. So we will take our time to get there so no whining from you Naruto cause you will be busy working on your elements affinity as well your kenjutsu as well as the new jutsu I got for you and that the Rasengan." The other two companions were shocked that Jiraiya would be teaching Naruto the Rasengan cause his father created this jutsu from witnessing a Tailed Beast Ball perform by Killer B. Naruto was super excited to learn his dad's jutsu and he said "I will complete that jutsu in no time at all, just watch me, ya know."  Suddenly Kurama said, "Naruto I know for a fact that you can master this technique cause I believe in you. Also after you get the three legendary summon those boss summon along with Ragnarok will ask you who will be your primary summon as well which sage you will become." "What should I say to the boss summons when we meet them in a couple of day eh, Kurama?" Naruto asked him while being  his mindscape. Outside his mindscape, the other three knew that he talking to Kurama about something important so Jiraiya pick up his godson by place him on his shoulder and continue walking down the road with Orochimaru and Anko. Kurama said "Kit you should said that you don't care about which one of them become your primary summon and you refuse to become a sage and that you can live without their power cause this a test that Kami herself created if the legendary summons have the same summoner that will show the summoner doesn't crave for power but rely on his own strength and that will show the boss summons who you are Naruto." Naruto agrees with what Kurama said cause he doesn't crave for power that others have in the past but Naruto is special cause he's willingly to put his life on the life to protect other. He began waking up to see that the others were setting up to camp and they saw him moving again then Orochimaru asked, "What did Kurama talk to you about, nephew?" Naruto retold the entire conversation between himself and Kurama to Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Anko and they were shocked to hear this then Anko asked, "So bro, are you going to yell at them once they ask who will be your primary summon?" Naruto nodded at her question cause he wants to get his point heard by the boss summons of the four contracts as well pass Kami's unspoken test . (Anko called Naruto her brother because she was part of his family being Orochimaru apprentice and Naruto has always seen her as big sister along with Shizune as well.)

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