Chapter 5

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As the sun was rising up, at the Senju compound Temari was sleeping in Naruto's room cause she wanted to be close to him cause she felt safe with him but the thing was Naruto wasn't in bed with her. Naruto was outside training with Kisame cause Kisame got a message back from the other seven swordsmen of the mist about starting a new life in the leaf village and they agree to it but they want fight Naruto to see how well he wield the dragon fang. Both brothers took the message to the Hokage Mansion to show it to Minato and as they were getting there, it look like Minato was leaving already but he saw both of his sons coming then they show him the message from the swordsmen wanting a new life here at the village but they would only fight Naruto to see how good of a swordsman he is. Minato agree with idea then suddenly Kushina overheard the conversation and said "NO NO NO, I'm not letting my son fight the seven swordsmen of the mist. It's to dangerous for him, there nothing that can convince me at all." "What if I let you see my book that has the seals that I'm working on which Anko mention yesterday in the office, will that convince you,mom?" Naruto said to his mother cause she has a weakness for seals.

Kushina thought about it and decided to agree to it but told him, "I will take the deal but you and I will work together on the seals that you have created alright, sweetie." After hearing that, Naruto told his mom thats alright cause he wanted her opinion on some of the seals. They shook hands as well hugged then they talked about when the swordsmen will be arriving and both brothers along the Hokage, Kazekage, the three Sannin and the sand siblings along with some anbu will be at the gates of the leaf village in three days time. Both brothers waved goodbye to mom and dad then headed back to the compound so that Naruto can start making breakfast, when they got back to the compound that they saw Tsunade and Orochimaru just waking up and in the kitchen. Naruto create shadow clones to begin making breakfast for everyone then Tsunade ask "Naruto why are you down and not in your bedroom with Temari?" As she asked the question, Rusa the Kazekage, Kankuro, and Gaara came in the room wondering the same thing then Naruto explained everything that happened in the morning also asked his uncle to return his sealing book so that he share with his mom on it and he said "I'm going to upstair to wake up Temari for breakfast and spend the day with her as well introduce her to my friends. Kankuro, Gaara you're invited as well to join us." Naruto went upstair to his room to wake up his fiancée as he enter his room, he saw Temari sleeping then he went over to her, started poking her lightly and saying wake up then she woke up to see that Naruto was out of bed poking her to wake up. Temari hugged him and asked why he wasn't in bed with this morning then he told her about the Kisame getting a note from the other six swordsmen of the mist coming to the village as well to fight him to see if he's really a good swordsman and her expression was that she was worried and excited about him then she told him about her feelings to him that she loves him and Naruto told he that he loves her too but everyone was outside Naruto's door hearing the couple saying that they love each other but then Tsunade came in the room to celebrate the love between the couple.

The couple was embarrass by Tsunade coming in the room when they just said they love each other but Tsunade kept saying things like ' I'm going to have a lot of grandkids in the future' then Temari had a full on blush and Naruto tried to look away from Granny Tsunade as she said things that embarrass more but Orochimaru interrupted Tsunade's rants so that the couple and lot of them can go get breakfast now. Everybody went downstairs to enjoy breakfast that Naruto's clones made for them then as everybody was eating, Naruto told Temari that he was going to introduce her to all of his friends today as well to Gaara, Kankuro and Kisame. Orochimaru told his nephew to be careful while be outside today, then Rusa ask why Naruto should be careful being outside that also made the children and Kisame wonder that too then Tsuande explained how the villagers beat up, cuts as well almost kills him before the anbu or us come to rescue him because they think that he's the fox but they don't know the difference between container and contaniee, Minato try to help but the civilian council convince him that his son is just getting his attention by lying to him but only his mother, the anbu that follows him, his godfather and the both of them know the truth then Minato found out as well and disband the civilian council for ordering the villagers to lie about this to him.

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