Chapter 4

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After two years of their training journey, Naruto who is seven now has become the summoner to the legendary summons as well becoming a sage to the dragon clan and tiger clan while still training to achieve sage mode for the phoenix clan and the turtle clan also master the Rasegan and master the Rinnegan. Orochimaru and Anko have become stronger as well and learning new snake ninjutsu and genjutsu too then Jiraiya only become slightly strong cause he had to work on his "research" which mean peeking at women at the hot spring for his books call Icha Icha series that Anko always beat him up for. Kisame also got stronger by training with Naruto as they always engage in a kenjutsu battle only which ends in a tie between the two. As they were walking towards the village, a toad appear in front of the group with a message that said the Kazekage was in trouble and that his children were with him as well. After reading the note, Naruto decided to go into dragon sage mode cause as a dragon sage with dragon eyes that can see where danger is at and Naruto did that then he said, "The Kazekage and his children are 15 minutes from our location due northwest and they're being attack by anbu but this anbus are wielding tanto instead a katana." Orochimaru told the group that those anbu members are Danzo's ROOT anbu cause they had their emotions remove and he guess that Danzo must of found out about the treaty between the sand the leaf villages as well he ask Naruto to lead them towards the Kazekage. Naruto nodded then lead them to help their allies and as they got there, Kisame said "Water Style: Water Shark Bullets" as a large water shark appear and launch itself at the enemy anbu that Naruto, Orochimaru and Anko got the Kazekage and his children away from the battle. Jiraiya hit the Root anbu with a giant Rasegan as that was going on, the other three made sure the Kazekage was alright as well his children and Naruto told Kisame and Jiraiya to move cause he was getting to use a Lava style move which he yelled "Lava Style: Lava Dragon Jutsu" which hit all the enemies that were in the area. All nine got away from the battlefield and moved to a clearing with a river nearby, the five heroes introduced themselves in order: Jiraiya the Sannin, Orochimaru the Sannin, Kisame Hoshigaki, Anko Mitarashi and Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze Senju then the Kazekage introduce himself and children who were Temari, Kankuro and Gaara. The Kazekage asked Naruto, "Are you Minato and Kushina son that was on a training journey with family?"Naruto smiled and nod at the Kazekage's question then he saw Temari approach him and said "Hi I'm Teamri as well as your fiancee, it's great to finally meet you Naruto." "It's great to meet you as well Temari and hope to have a wonderful life with you." Naruto said to a blushing Temari. Jiraiya and Orochimaru told the Kazekage everything about their journey as well as Naruto's abilities and his bloodlines as well being a jinchuuriki of the Nine-Tailed fox, the Kazekage was  very understanding about everything to ask Jiraiya if he could check Gaara's seal and fix as well.

Naruto was introduced to Kankuro and Gaara by their older sister and both of them told Naruto to always protect and take of care of their sister and he said "Guys I promise to treat Temari like a princess cause I always keep my promises also I'm also to protect you guys as well cause we're going to brothers after all. Just ask my sister Anko." Anko turn around and told them that her little brother always kept his promises to his family and friends then she told them that the two of them are brother and sister in all but blood. Then Jiraiya came over to talk Gaara about his seal and he will fix it so that Shukaku wouldn't try to gain control and so that Gaara can finally sleep. Gaara agree to it and left with Jiraiya to fix his seal then Naruto walked over to Kisame, Orochimaru and the Kazekage while Anko talks to the two older sibling, Naruto asked what's wrong now then his uncle said, "It's look like Danzo might have sent more Root anbu to check out the crater where we just fought. We should get moving once Jiraiya is done fixing Gaara's seal." Naruto said "I'm going to summon Shinobu to fly all of us ack to the Leaf village cause I know none of us wants to fight the Root anbu. They will just keep coming after us even if we take down for good so we should inform my dad about this right away." The three men agree with Naruto cause the Root anbu are determine to make sure the treaty between the two villages never come to pass. Jiraiya came back to the group with a sleeping Gaara in his arm and told everyone that his seal is fix now then Orochimaru told the group about what he, Kisame, Kazekage and Naruto discuss about and right away Naruto summoned Shinobu the Phoenix boss. "Naruto what can I do for you and your group today?" Naruto told her what has happened today and ask for a lift back to Leaf village so they can inform his dad about this. "I will take all of you to the Leaf village right away so climb on and hold on tightly cause we will going to the Hokage tower instead of dropping you off at the village gates." Everybody agree with Shinobu and climb on her back but as she was about to take off, Temari went to hold hands with Naruto and he reassured her that she will safe and she nod to him but still wants to hold hands with him and let her do so but everybody saw this and was happy for the couple.

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