Chapter 1

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Chapter one

*2 months later*

It has been two months and I'm still a bit upset about Thom. why would he do that to me? i never did anything to him and this is how he repays me? I heard a knock at the door and got off the couch and went and answered it.

"Hey Lily, I brought some food and a couple of movies I thought we could have a day in" Liam my best friend said walking towards the kitchen.

"Hey, yea sure" I said opening a bag of chips and tipping them into a bowl. "You know you don't have to knock Liam" he looked at me confused. "I mean come on your my best friend I walk into your house uninvited all the time" I said giggling.

"Ok then I will from now on" he said smiling.

"What movies did you bring?" I asked Liam while jumping on to the couch and placing my legs on Liam's lap.

"Um The Notebook and Grown Ups 1 and 2!" He said smiling at me. I smiled back at him.

"Grown ups it is" I said placing the DVD in the DVD player. I don't feel like crying today. I've done a lot of that lately.

I laughed throughout the whole movie and so did Liam. I was about to get up and put grown ups 2 in before Liam stopped me.

"Why don't we go out tonight?" He asked me. "Not like as in a club or anything but like out for dinner just like we used to? I know you haven't been out since you know..." He said before I interrupted him.

"Yea, yea I know. Don't talk about ok?" I realised how rude that sounded and tried to soften my word with a 'please' he apologised and I half smiled at him.

"So, dinner tonight?" He asked. "As friends?" He added rather quickly.

"Can we just get a coffee from Starbucks or something? I'm not really in the mood for going out." I said.

"Sure I will meet you in the car" he said and patted my leg while he got off the couch. I got up of the couch and went up to my room to grab my purse. I headed down the stairs and locked the front door behind me. Mum wouldn't be home till about 4 and its 3:30 now and I didn't think I would be back by then so I decided to text her.

'Im with Liam at Starbucks might not be home when you are see you later'

I got into the passenger side of Liam's car and we headed to Starbucks. A couple of minutes passed and my phone buzzed infecting i got a message. I took my phone out of my jean pocket and opened the message from my mum.

'Ok darling see you later be home by dinner love you xxx'

I turned my phone screen off and placed it into my pocket as Liam pulled into Starbucks. It was packed and there was only one table left.

"Go get that table and I will order for us" Liam said pointing to the table. I nodded and made my way over. Liam came back a few minutes later with my coffee and his hot chocolate in his hands. He handed me my drink and sat on the other side of the booth.

"Thanks" I said and he nodded. "Liam I'm sorry" I said looking down at my coffee.

"What for?" He asked lifting my chin up to look at him.

"For kind of pushing you away these last couple of months. Thom really hurt me and I didn't know what to do and I sure as hell don't want to get hurt again-" I said before he interrupted me.

"Lily it's fine honestly. I know you were hurting and I would never let you push me away. And I would never hurt you. Your my best friend" he said looking at me in the eyes.

"Thank you" he stood up and slid out of the booth giving me hug.

"I'm hear for you" he whispered in my ear. Going back to his place on the other side of the table. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me.

"Um excuse me I'm sorry but there's no where else to sit so I was wondering if I could maybe sit with you guys" I looked to my right and saw a tall, curly headed boy with a raspy British accent.

"Sure" I said simply shifting over so he could have a seat to me.

"Thanks, I'm Harry Styles by they way" he held out his hand for me to shake but I just looked away. I wasn't in the mood for speaking.

"Sorry about her she's just a bit upset at the moment. I'm Liam Payne" Liam said shaking his hand.

"That's fine" I felt is eyes on me but I just kept looking at my coffee eventually taking a drink of it.

"So Harry how old are ya?" Liam asked being polite. Harry looked away from me and at Liam.

"Nineteen, what about you guys?" Harry asked looking between me and Liam.

"I'm 20 and Lily here is 18" Liam replied.

"Ahh so that's your name" Harry said smirking at me. I looked back at him and steered into his beautiful green eyes.

"Uhh yea. Sorry I'm not always like this" I said and he smiled at me while he nodded.

"What's wrong?" He said taking a sip of his drink.

"Well- um, to be honest I'm not sure why I should tell you? Like I'm not trying to be rude just I don't know you" I said smiling at him so he knows he hasn't don't anything wrong.

"No, no that's completely fine! Just sometimes telling your story to complete strangers helps" he said patting my shoulder. I nodded and carried on taking a few sips of my coffee. Liam and Harry were talking for a while but I was only listening to some parts of it like how Harry moved here to London from Holmes Chapel and how he owns his own flat. They tried making conversation with me but I just answered with short sentences.

"Well I better be off it was nice meeting you guys" Harry said standing up and smiling at the two of us.

"Yea we should hangout again sometime yea?" Liam said shaking Harry's hand.

"Yea mate that'll be cool. I'll give you my number and Lily would you like my number too? If you don't its fine but I would like to get you know you better" he said pulling out his phone from his jeans.

"Yup sure why not?" I said putting on a smile. It was the first real smile I have had in a long time. I took Harry's phone from his hands and put my number in and he did the same with mine and Liam's. .

We said our goodbyes as Harry left. And after a while me and Liam decided to head back home.

Liam dropped me off and told me he would come round tomorrow I said goodbye and went inside.

"Hey mum I'm home" I yelled.

"Hey honey I'm making dinner it will be ready in thirty minutes." She said as I walked into the kitchen.

"I will be in my room if you need me" I went and gave her a quick hug and went upstairs and jumped into bed. I decided I was gonna take a nap before dinner. I laid my head onto my pillow about to fall asleep before my phone buzzed.

"Grr" I groaned as I was really tired. I opened the message to see it was from Harry.

'Hey love it was nice meeting you today, we should hangout soon yea?

-Harry x'

To be honest I was happy that Harry texted me. He said he wanted to get to know me and I wanted to get to know him to. He seemed like a nice guy.

'Yea that would be nice text me when your free and we can arrange something 😊'

I hit send just as my mum called me down for dinner.

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