Chapter 2

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After dinner i came back up to my room had a shower and got my pajamas on. I checked my IPhone for the time and saw that i had a message from Harry .

Harry: 'Im free tomorrow if you want to do something then? xxx'

Lily: 'Sure but could Liam come too? i told him i would hangout with him tomorrow'

Harrry: 'Course :) What do you want to do? xx'

I looked around the room thinking of things we could do for the day. Movies? No i dont want to be inside all day again. Then i had a idea and quickly texted Harry back.

Lily: 'Park? We could have a picnic! I like picnics, haven't had one in aaaaggggeeeessss!'

Harry: ' Hahaha sure love, I'll bring the food! I'll pick you and Liam up at 11? xxx'

Lily: 'Yup I will check with Liam but im sure it will be fine! See you tomorrow x'

Harry: 'Night beautiful xxx'

I smiled at my phone because he called me beautiful. I went through my contacts searching for Liams name and hit call.

"Hey Lily, whats up?" Liam said sounding all cherpy.

"Hey Liam, i was texting Harry and-" I started saying before he interupted me.

"Wait you texted Harry?" He said sounding rather happy.

"Don't interupt me!" I laughed. "But yea why?" I asked.

"You like him Lily" I know i couldn't see him but i know he was smirking over the phone.

"What? No i don't! I've only meet him once!" I shouted.

"Ok, ok calm down Lils. Sorry but i saw the way you looked at him today. You like him" He was starting to get on my nerves. You can't tell if you like someone after only meeting them one time. Can you?

"Liam stop i barely know Harry and i want to get to know him better as friends!" I said with a hint of annocance in my voice.

"Ok whatever you say" I knew he was still smirking. "But anyways what did you want to say?" He asked.

"Well i was texting Harry and we said that you, him and me should go to the park tomorrow for a picnic?" I said waiting for his reply.

"Damn, sorry i can't i have to look after my cousins for the day. I totally forgot. But you and Harry can go."

"Ok i will tell him tomorrow." I said being kind of happy about it. Atleast I can get to know Harry better this way, and see if I do like him like Liam said.

"Alright well see you later night Lils" He said yawning.

"Night Li love you" I said walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Looooove yooooou toooooo!" He said in a sing song voice. I laughed and hung up. i finshed brushing my teeth and hopped into bed letting sleep take over me.

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