Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I groaned and turned around to turn it off. It was 10am so I quickly checked my tumblr and intsagram before texting Harry my address realising i hadn't gaven it to him last night. I got out if bed and headed for a shower. It felt nice as the hot water hit my muscles untensing them. I quickly shaved my legs getting out of the shower wrapping the towel around my body and walking into my room. I put on my light blue skinny jeans and a pink tank top. I walked into the kitchen tieing my brown long hair into a pony tale. I grabbed a apple out of the fruit bowl and started eating it as i saw a note and some money on the counter. I picked up the paper and started reading.

'Hey honey im sorry im not there i got called into work pretty early and im going on a trip and i won't be back untill Friday.I left you $200 for the week. No parties while im gone! Sorry i didn't wake you to say goodbye you looked peaceful. Alex said if you need anything she is only right next door so you can go over. Call me if you need anything love you xx


I scrunched the peace of paper and threw it in the bin. Im not sad about it or anything, she always does this. Always working seven days a week long hours not spending enough time with her one and only daughter. I didn't bother me as much as it should i get away with alot more things than i would if she were here. I walked back into the bathroom brushing my teeth and applying some mascara. I checked my phone for the time seeing it was 11:02am. Just as i was finished putting on my black converses i heard a knock at the door. I grabbed my keys and slipping my phone into my pocket then opened the door. Harry was standing there with a smile on his face looking up at me. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a Rolling Stones t-shirt.

"Hey ready to go?" He asked gestering his hand towards the door.

"Yup" I said stepping out of my house and locking the door. I walked towards Harrys Range Rover as he opened the passenger door for me to get in. He walked around the car to the other side getting in aswell.

"Where's Liam?" He said starting up the car.

"Oh he couldn't make it he had to babysit his cousins, sorry I forgot to text you"

"No it's all good, I can get to know you better if its just us" he said with a smile and I retuned the gesture as we drove out of my drive way.

"You don't mind it just being me do you?" I asked just to make sure.

"No, as i said before It will be easier for us to get to know each other and besides I already had a long chat with Liam the other day in Starbucks"

"ok" is all I manage reply back.

"So what park are we going to?" I said looking around at the unfamiliar area.

"I thought maybe we could go to a lake instead, if you didnt mind? I know this place were no one ever goes and it really nice" He said shyly.

"i don't mind" I smiled at him letting him know it was ok.

"You seem more talkative and alive today than you did yesterday" I let out a small laugh as he had a smirk on this face.

"Yea sorry yesterday was the first day i got out and did something in a while besides university" I said looking down at my hands and he just nodded as we pulled up to a small clear lake that surprisingly I have never seen before.

"Were here" Harry said turning the engine off. Harry got out of the car running round to my side and opening the door. I chuckled lightly and said thank you. He smiled at me as we both headed round to the boot of the car and got out the picnic basket and a blanket. We started walking until we found a good sunny spot.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2013 ⏰

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