Chapter 1

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May 24, 1962.

" Valerie, are you ready? " my mom asked me has she walked down stairs with a brown box in her hands.

" Yeah. " I shouted back. I stood in front of my window, examining all the palm trees & a few houses.

I was moving from Arizona to California. My mom and dad are getting a divorce, which means me and my brother, Alex, are moving in with my grandpa until we find a house.

My mom had caught my dad sneaking around with someone he worked with. Although I did love my dad very much, I couldn't bare to look at him. My mom had asked Alex and I who'd we would want to live with, we both chose my mother.

I walked downstairs to see my dad helping Alex with some boxes. Ever since we found it my dad had cheated on my mom, Alex hasn't really spoken to him.

We all walked out into the front yard. " I'm going to miss you guys. " my dad said smiling putting his left hand on my shoulder, & his right on Alex's shoulder.
" Not sure the feeling it mutual. " Alex said shrugging my dad's hand off his shoulder.

I gave him a weak smile, as he returned a weak smile as well. I jumped into his arms and cried.
" I'm going to miss you, dad. " I said crying into his shoulder.
" I'm gonna miss you too. " he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

My mom forced Alex to give a hug to my dad.
" I'm gonna miss you, kiddo. "
" I'm gonna miss you too, dad. "

We said our goodbyes and headed inside the car.

We drove past my bestfriend's house and I cried at the thought of I might not see her again.

Alex, who is 17, didn't really care that we were moving. He didn't care he was gonna lose his friends or anything. Ever since the situation with my dad, he kept to himself.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard faint crying, it was Alex.

" What's wrong? " I asked. That was probably a stupid question.
" I'm gonna miss him. " he said, referring to my father. I knew what he was feeling, but considering he was Alex's bestfriend, he felt it more than I did.

Even though I'm only 15, I pulled Alex close and began to hold him as if he was a baby.

After about an hour went by, Alex fell asleep on me. Me and Alex were close. Closer than any one in our family. We were like twins, not because we oddly looked exactly the same, but because we were the same person.

My mom said the car ride would be another 6 hours, she insisted that I fell asleep to pass time. So that's what I did.

Time passes and we stopped in front of a drug store. Alex was still asleep, so I lightly pushed him off and hopped out of the car that I had been in for what it seemed to be days.

" How much longer? " I asked.
" About 5 minutes . " my mother replied.

We went inside and grabbed a few drinks, I got a water, mom got iced tea, and I got a coke for Alex.

As I was walking to get some gum, I noticed a cute boy. He was tall, golden skin, nice jet black hair, and a sharp jawline. He looked up from looking at a baseball and noticed I was staring. He giggled and I saw his hazel eyes, nice smile, and cute giggle. I blushed, gave him a smile while tucking my hair behind my ear following to look down & walk away.

" Is that everything you want? " my mother asked looking at me. I nodded in response of her question.

" Hey, Benny! " I heard a girly voice say.
" Oh, hi Sam. "
I turned around to see it was the cute boy I saw about a minute ago.

" That would be 2.98 " the cashier said. My mom handed him the money & we walked out.

We got back in the car & to my surprise, Alex was awake.

" Did you get me anything? " he asked raising an eyebrow.
" Of course I did you dork. " I said smiling handing him his bottle of coke.

" How long until we get to grandpa's? " Alex asked.
" 5 minutes. "

After about 4 minutes, we got out of the car & stepped in front of my grandfather's home.

" I haven't been in here in years. " I said under my breath.
" Well now you're living here. " I heard a familiar voice say.
" Grandpa! " I shouted running towards him.

We were all welcomed by hugs and kisses from my grandfather.

" Are we gonna stand outside all day? " my grandfather asked giggling.

I grabbed his hand and walked him up the stairs.
" I can do it, dear. " Grandpa said to me, releasing my hand from his.
" I know you can, but I missed walking you up the stairs to the house. " I replied smiling.
" I miss hearing you laugh. " he replied.

We walked up the stairs to the house and walked inside.

" Your rooms are just like you left them. " Grandpa told all of us, " I haven't touched anything since the last time you visited. "

I kissed him on the cheek and went up to my room. As I walked in my room, all the memories in this house came back.

I sat down on my bed and looked out the window, my room had a perfect view of the old baseball field that me, Alex and an old friend of mine would play at when we would visit. I couldn't quite remember his name. I looked down to see the big green fence missing that protected Hercules from getting out.

I ran downstairs to ask what happened to it.
" Hey grandpa, what happened to the - " I said before stopping to see the cute boy from the store, followed by a short blonde kid.

" Oh, sweetie, come meet these boys. " My grandpa said signaling me to introduce myself.

" Hi, I'm Valerie." I introduced myself to the short blonde kid and the tall handsome boy who seemed to be my age.
" I'm Benjamin, but everyone calls me Benny. " the handsome one said has he shook my hand.
" I'm Scott, but everyone calls me Smalls. " he took my hand & shook it.

Before I can say anything else my grandpa continues " Were you gonna ask something? "
" Oh, yes, um, what happened to the fence in the back yard? "
" Long story. I'll tell you sometime tomorrow. " he replied while giggling.

" Thanks for talking baseball with me fellas, see you soon. " Grandpa said standing up giving the boys a hug.
" You too, Mr. Mertle. " Scott said returning the gesture.

Benny just stared at me, I'm sure he remembered me from the store earlier today. He gave my grandfather a hug, said goodbye and walked away.

" Dinner is ready! " my mom shouted from the kitchen.

We sat and ate as a family together. My mom and Alex were talking to my grandfather about baseball while I got caught up in a million thoughts.

Did my dad really mean when he was gonna miss us? What if my friends forget about me? When will I see Benny again?

" Earth to Valerie. " Alex said waving his hand in my face.
" What do you want? " I asked.
" Are you done with your food? You've been picking at it for 10 minutes now. " Alex said raising an eyebrow.
" Yeah I'm finished. " I replied.

He took my plate & put it in the sink. I said my goodnights to my family and headed up for bed.

I couldn't wait to go play baseball out on that old diamond tomorrow.

Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story, I decided to make a new one because I didn't like the other one. I found ways to make this one somewhat different from the other stories. please comment and vote if you like the story so far. ((:

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