Chapter 5.

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    June 9, 1962.

It has been one full week not hearing from Anthony. Benny and I have got closer, he would always come to my front door and ask if I would go to the sandlot with him, and he would always walk me back home. Benny grew very fond of me and seemed to want me to be around him all the time, always inviting me to the sandlot, the fair, and to go eating.

While we were all playing I felt like I was gonna faint so I told the guys I was going to the dug out and sit because it was too hot out. They all followed me and we all sat down, Benny of course sat next to me.

" It's way too hot to be out right now Benny, Valerie literally almost passed out. Let's take a break. " Ham said.

" Let's go to the pool! " Squints yelled.

" Yeah-Yeah!! " Yeah-Yeah said very excited. We all agreed to go home and change, I wasn't very excited about the idea of wearing a bathing suit in front of them, especially Benny.

Benny walked me to my house like always.

" Are you okay now? " Benny asked.

" Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for asking Benny. " I replied with a smile

" We're all going to meet back up in front of your house, is that okay? " Benny asked.

" Of course, see you then. " I replied.

I went inside to change into my swimsuit. I ran into Alex on my way up the stairs.

" Hey where are you going? " Alex asked.
" I'm going to the pool. Do you want to come? " I asked him, hoping he would say no.
" Yeah let me get changed. "

We both went up to our rooms and changed. I wasn't too sure if I would wear some shorts and a T-shirt, or a bikini I had. It was red and the bottoms were high waisted.

What would Benny think? I thought to myself. I built up the courage to wear the bikini because I didn't want a weird tan line. After I was done changing, I went to Alex's room to see if he was done. I was about to knock when he opened the door with his towel & sunglasses ready to go.

We walked out the door to see Benny & the gang hanging outside. We all walked together to the pool which wasn't that far, about 5 minutes. It was a hot day in the Valley that day, it felt like it was 105 degrees outside. It was clearly the perfect day to go swimming.

Squints has been talking about the life guard situation that had happened last summer. He said he faked drowning to kiss a life guard he had thought was so cute. Squints has said that one day he will marry her.

The boys ran to the bathroom that led to the pool, Benny and I walked. I got to the girls bathroom and took off my shirt and shorts. I walked out to see Benny waiting for me. We walked to a couple chairs to set our stuff down. The boys set their stuff down and ran towards the pool, jumping in. Benny and I were walking towards the pool when Benny grabbed me and threw me in.

" I can't swim! " I yelled.

Benny came in for me as I was waving my hands around. What Benny didn't know was that I could swim.

" Are you okay? I'm so sor- " Benny said as I pushed him under water.

Benny pushed my hands off him and started splashing at me with water. We were splashing each other with water until I got a cramp in my leg.

" Wait, wait, wait, I got a cramp! I said while laughing.
" Where? " Benny asked. " Is it righttt... HERE?!" He asked while picking me up, wrapping my legs around him.

We were face to face, so close together. He was obviously staring at my lips, I know cause I was doing the same. For a second I thought to myself of taking the chance and give him a kiss. But before I could finish my thought, Benny leaned over to kiss me. I was so nervous my heart was pounding. I leaned forward but before we could kiss, we were interrupted by water being splashed at us by the boys.

" Stop flirting and come swim with us! "

After swimming at the pool for 3 hours we decided to get something to eat. We went to a diner across the street and sat at the biggest booth they had.

" Hi my name is Amber, would you guys like to start off with drinks? " our waiter said. She was very pretty and seemed to be around Alex's age. But speaking of Alex, I could tell her thought she was pretty as well.

We all ordered cokes and looked at the menu. We ordered burgers and fries.

" Hey do you want to hangout after eating here? There's some place I want to show you, but just you. " Benny whispered to me. I wasn't sure what it was that he wanted to show me, but I felt pretty special if he wanted just me to see it.

Me and Benny walked for 5 minutes, we arrived at a old baseball field that was hidden between large trees in a neighborhood. You could barely tell it was a baseball field.

" This is what I wanted to show you. " Benny said smiling looking at the field. " My dad and I use to come here all the time, before he passed away. This is my safe place, when anything goes bad I come here to remind myself that good
things happen too. "

" I'm sorry to hear about your dad, how did he pass? " I asked.

" He had a heart attack in the shower, my mom found him. She hasn't been the same since then. " Benny replied.

" Benny, I'm so sorry. "

" Don't be sorry, my dad lived a great life. He did so many things that I hope to do one day. " He replied.

" Tell me about him. " I told him.

We sat down on the grass and talked for what seemed like hours. He talked about his dad and how he wanted to be a professional baseball player. Benny's dad had traveled the world a little bit. He lived in Mexico for most his life, he came to the States to live and give his kids a better life. Benny's father seemed very caring, just like him. Even though I have never met Benny's father, I knew he was proud of Benny.

After we were done talking, Benny walked me home like he always did.

" Thank you for today, I had a lot of fun. " I told Benny.

" It was my pleasure. " He replied.

Benny got closer to me, our eyes met, our hands met, and our lips were about to meet. He leaned in slow as did I.

We were going to kiss... before Alex opened the door. We released each other's hands and leaned back before Alex could notice.

" Come inside, it's dark out. Later Benny. " Alex said standing in the doorway.

" Goodnight Benny, thanks again. " I said with my cheeks flushed.

" Goodnight Valerie, see you tomorrow. " He replied stepping down the steps.

As I got inside my mother had told me to sit and eat dinner.

" Why were you guys just standing on the front porch? " Alex asked.

Me being anxious about what was about to happen before he opened the door said " We were just talking. "

As soon as I finished my sentence my mother and Alex looked at each other and began to laugh.

" What? " I asked.

" You like him, don't you? " my mother asked me.

" I do not" I replied, blushing turning bright red.

" Yes she does, I can tell. They swam together, sat next to each other in the booth at the diner, and he took her somewhere special. " Alex teased about me.

There was no hiding how I felt about Benny anymore, it was clear I liked Benny. Benny was so sweet and nice, he liked being around me and I liked being around him.

After dinner I went up to my room, got changed, and laid in my bed. I couldn't help but think of him, how could I not think of him? I fell asleep, thinking of Benny, once again.

Hi guys! I haven't updated in a longggg time, but here it is! It's not the best I know but I wanted to put something up for you guys. Thank you for the support and the likes. Please like and comment and tell me what your favorite part of this chapter was. (:

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