Chapter 2

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May 25, 1962.
I woke up up in such a happy mood. I'm not sure what is was about this day, but I felt as if I had just won a million dollars the previous day. I feel like I'm gonna get really good news today, or something good would happen.

I walked to the bathroom that was connected to my room and Alex's room. I brushed my teeth and my hair and went downstairs.

" Mom, can you make me some bacon? " I heard alex ask my mom. She nodded in response.

I was looking for my grandpa, maybe he wasn't up yet cause I had no clue where he was. I walked over to the room where my grandpa keeps all his baseball stuff. I looked around admiring all the baseballs, baseball cards, and photos he had.

I noticed that there was a ball missing, the ball that was signed by Babe Ruth with the rest of the 1927 Yankees.

I heard faint footsteps and realized that it was my grandpa. " Hey grandpa, what happened to the ball that was - " before I could continue he cut me off.

" Guess it's time for me to tell you the story I was talking about yesterday, huh? "

He motioned me to sit down with him so he can tell me this story of his.

He began to tell me that Smalls brought his stepdad's Babe Ruth autographed ball to the sandlot. He hit a homer and it went over his fence. Benny then " pickled " Hercules & got the ball back. Grandpa gave them the ball because the other ball was all chewed up.

I couldn't believe my ears. " But grandpa, you love that ball. " He waved me off and said " I got a lot of good stuff. They needed it more than I did. "

Before I could say anything, my mom called us to eat breakfast. We walked over to the kitchen and began to eat.

My mom was telling us that she wasn't gonna make us go to school because we had 1 week until school let out. Maybe that was the good news.

Me and Alex smiled at each other to realize that we didn't have to go to to school. Before I could speak to Alex about the situation, the doorbell rang.

" I'll get it. " I replied standing up. I was walking to the door and looked through the peep hole. It was Benny.

" Hi. " I replied opening to door.
" Hi, goodmorning, uh, would you like to play baseball with me and some friends? " he asked scratching the back of his neck.

I couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth, he wanted me to play baseball with him and his friends.

" I'll ask my mom. " I told him, he nodded and I asked if he wanted to come inside. He nodded again & came inside.

" Hey ma, is it okay if go to play baseball with Benny? " I asked.
" Yes, that's fine. Alex would you like to go to? " my mom faced Alex asking the question.
" Um, maybe later, I wanna set up my room. "

I nodded and looked over at Benny to see he was looking me up and down.

" I'm gonna go change, give me a couple minutes. " I told him, Benny nodded and said okay.

I quickly ran upstairs and started to change. I changed into my light washed high waisted shorts, a white wife beater, Dodgers jersey, Dodgers hat & my black PF flyers.

I grabbed my mitt and headed downstairs.

" Okay ma, I'm leaving, be back in a little while." I told my mom.
" Take care of my beautiful granddaughter Benny! " my grandpa shouted from the kitchen.
" Don't worry Mr.Mertle, I will! " Benny shouted back as a reply.

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