Chapter 4.

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June 2, 1962.

I was in the sandlot like always since I moved here. After we were all done for the day so I went to the dug out to get the last bottle of Coca-Cola. As I turned on my heels I almost slipped until Benny had grabbed me and pulled me close, we were face to face, chest to chest, lips 2 inches apart. He stared at my lips while I stared into his eyes.

" Can I kiss you? " he asked still staring at my lips as if they were the most delicious looking donut ever to be seen. I nodded in response. There we were lips touching, his arms around my waist, and my arms around his neck.

" Valerie. Wake up. Get up. " Benny said as he pulled away from the kiss. " What? " I questioned him. " Wake up! " he shouted as I woke up to see Alex hovering over my face.

" Get up, mom's been calling your name for like 10 minutes, breakfast is ready. " Alex continued and then exited my room. I threw my pillow over my face and yelled in my pillow.

I went downstairs and all I could think about was Benny.

Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez.

As time went by I waited for Benny to come to my door and ask me to go to the sandlot with him. The doorbell rang and I jumped out of my seat to answer the door. I opened the door to reveal Anthony standing right there.

" Hey wanna go on a little morning breakfast run? " he asked me. I thought it was gonna be Benny, but it wasn't. I didn't want to be rude and tell him I already breakfast, so I told him yes and told my mom where I was going, and off we went.

We went to a different diner, I wasn't sure why. But when we got there we ordered, I didn't order anything big, just some toast and an orange juice while he got a full meal. He asked me how my morning had been so far and when he did all I could think about what Benny and the dream about him.

I told Anthony it was going good, he then said so was his. We talked more and then when he was done he took me back home. When we got to my door I thanked him for breakfast.

" Valerie, wait, can I ask you something? " Anthony asked. I nodded. " Would you like to go on a date with me tonight, the fair is opening tonight and I wanna take you. "

" Yes, that would be very cool! " I replied.

" I'll pick you up at 6. " he said smiling. I smiled back and headed inside. I changed and went to the sandlot.

" Hey guys. " I said to the guys who were all sat in the dug out. Benny came up to me and asked me to sit because they were planning on going to the fair tonight as well.

" We should all go then have a sleepover in the tree house. " Ham suggested.

" Bitchin'! " Yeah-Yeah said.

" I'll see you guys there, I'm going with Anthony tonight. " I told them. When I said that Benny looked over at me with a slight frown.

" Okay, we'll see you there, now, let's play some ball! " Bertram said.

We all got up and took our positions, Benny still has the little frown on his face. Then when he got to bat it went away.

Hours passed and I told the guys I was gonna head home to get ready for the fair and they all agreed that we should all go home and get ready for tonight. We were all walking out of the sandlot until I saw that Benny wasn't following.

" Hey Benny, are you okay? " I asked.

" Yeah, fine. " He replied. He didn't seem fine.

" You don't look fine. " I told him.

" What do you see in that bozo Anthony? " he asked.

" He's nice to me. " I said. Benny didn't seem to fond of what I said. He started walking away and told me he would see me there at the fair tonight. I let out a groan and walked home. I walked inside to find no one home, so I went upstairs and took a shower and put on some shorts, a black wife beater and some black converse. I waited for Anthony to come and a few moments later there he was.

He greeted me and we walked to the fair which wasn't a long walk. We got there and we checked out the rides to see which one would be better to get on. There was a ride that seemed to be about a few stories tall, I told Anthony we should get on that one.

We got on and when we got on it I saw the guys.

" Hey guys, up here! " I yelled down to them.

" Look it's Valerie guys!! " Squints yelled pointing to me. Benny saw me sitting with Anthony and he rolled his eyes. I waved to him and he waved back.

After a few rides later, Anthony left me out when he found his other friends so I went looking for my guys. It didn't really bother me, considering I wanted to be around Benny.

" Guys wait up! " I yelled as they turned around knowing it was me. Benny smiled at me and asked where Anthony was, I told him what happened and he said that I should just hangout with them. While we were walking I started to feel very sick, as if I was gonna puke. I told Benny and he suggested he buy me a sprite, that it would help my stomach. He told the guys that we were gonna walk around.

We walked to a little food court and he bought me a sprite like he said he would.

" Thank you so much Benny. " I told him.

" Anything for you, Valerie. Can I ask you a question? " he asked.

" Lay it on me. " I replied.

" Why are you here on a date with Anthony but sitting here with me? " Benny asked.

" Um, well, he left me and I wasn't gonna have it, I wasn't just gonna act like I enjoyed his company with his friends there. I'm sure he didn't even realize I left, or that this was suppose to be a date. " I said shrugging my shoulders.

" He's a candyass. But to be real with you, you deserve better. I would've noticed if you left. What kind of guy does that, especially to a girl like you? " he said taking his attention away from me and putting it to the ground. I thought about what he said, then another thought came to my head: why did Benny care so much, did he like me?

" I'm not sure, maybe I'm not a cool or something. " I replied. Benny went on about how he thought I was cool. I thanked him for the compliment and told him I should be getting home soon. He offered to walk me and I accepted, not because it was getting dark and I'm afraid of the dark but because he is very nice company.

We talked about how the rides were and how the food tasted. When we got to my house I wanted to keep talking to him so I asked if he wanted to sit on the front porch and talk. He said yes and we just talked about a lot of things.

" I'm gonna tell you something no one else really knows. " Benny said, " you probably know why I don't like Anthony. But me and Anthony had been bestfriends since 4th grade. Until 2 summers ago, I was dating a girl named Samantha. I wasn't in love with her but I did have strong feelings for her. One day me and her went to a car show with Anthony, I stepped away for 2 minutes then when I came back, I saw her kissing Anthony. It hurt me, not because of so much her but because he was my bestfriend and I didn't think he would do that to me. "

This had shocked me very much, Anthony was very good looking but not like Benny. I only knew both of them for about a week but I felt a better vibe with Benny than Anthony.

" I'm sorry Benny. That was so rude of him to do that to you. " I told him.

" It's okay. I think I should be getting home now. " he told me.

" I agree, goodnight Benny, see you tomorrow. " I replied.

" Goodnight Valerie. " he said with a side grin that made my heart melt every time he did that.

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