7K 313 266

Word count : 936
Title :
02. Sweater

That night, they just left their phone alone. none had the courage to text each other.
today, namjoon's sweater felt weirdly smaller than yesterday, it was kind of short and it was snug around namjoon's chest. did he gained weight? did he grew taller?

namjoon just slide the thought off his head as he went to his classes. half way through the day he decided to take off the sweater and hung it on his shoulder as it started to feel a little bit uncomfortable for him.

his last class finally ended. he kind of forgotten to check his phone today and he was glad when he saw a text from yoongi.

from : yoongi
hey. 5:20 at the park infront of my fac.

to : yoongi
aight sir. im omw.

from : yoongi
oh okay lets meet now then, I'm near

namjoon was too lazy to reply so he just walked to the place yoongi had stated. he smiled when he saw yoongi in an totally oversized hoodie that looks exactly like his?

yoongi replied namjoon's smile as he eyed the sweater that's on namjoon's shoulder. "too small eh?"
He asked and namjoon furrowed his brow.
how did yoongi know? did he stalked namjoon?
as if Yoongi could hear what namjoon was thinking about, he answered "actually i had the exact same hoodie as yours and i think I accidentally gave you mine instead of yours yesterday"

"ahhh and I thought I grew bigger" namjoon laughed before handing yoongi back his hoodie but yoongi just gave namjoon a grin before going closer to namjoon.
"well... would you mind if i wear it for today? ill give it back to you by the day ends"

that's cute. why is this guy being so cute infront of him.
cute little thing.... namjoon internally screamed before chuckling. "sure but- hyung isnt yours the same?"

"yours are somehow more comfortable" yoongi said before hiding his hands in the sleeves and placed them on his cheeks.

"aww..." namjoon mumbled, controlling his hands from pinching yoongi's cheeks or ruffling the elders hair. "let's go. what do you want to eat?"

"burgers and nuggets"

"that's all?"

"i dont want to drain your money mr. kim" yoongi chuckled and they started to head to a cafe nearby that namjoon suggested.

namjoon placed the sleeves of the small hoodie on his shoulders, tying it — turning it to a cape. it was just a few blocks away and it doesn't really felt that long until they finally reached there. they took a seat beside the see-through window on the cafe. namjoon scrambled through the menu before ordering foods and drinks for them both.

they were waiting for their food and none of them dared to start the conversation so namjoon gave it a try.
"how was your day?"

yoongi who was daydreaming shot a glance to namjoon before shrugging.
"good? bad? nothing happened honestly" he said before giving namjoon his focus. "what about yours joon-ssi?"

"it was okay. but yeah i was a little bit happy to know I grew bigger this morning but then-"

"we just accidentally exchanged our hoodies" yoongi laughed before eyeing namjoon from top to bottom. "you're already big y'know"

"kind of but the idea of growing bigger excites me"

"if its anyone who should gain more height, it should be me." yoongi nods to himself before smiling at the waiter as he served them the food.

"short is cute. you're cute hyung, cutest." Namjoon said and yoongi just rolled his eyes when he saw the waiter holding his laugh.

"yeah go away now" yoongi gave the waiter an unamused face as he shoos him away. namjoon was honestly a little confused on the scene.
yoongi scrunched his nose. "now my cousin will think that someone's hitting on me"
"that seokjin over there is your cousin?"
"yeah, you know him?" yoongi said as he started to feed himself with the fries. its pretty delicious.
"of course i do, I share a few classes with him!"

"oh really? isn't he a year older than you?" yoongi raises a brow as he took a bite of the burger, well shit, he only managed to bite the buns. damn it.

"uhmm.. im in the advanced class"
namjoon looked down on his food. he was not planning on telling yoongi that since he didn't want the elder to think that he was bragging or stuffs. but its yoongi who asked so he should be telling, right?
his thoughts was soon followed by Yoongi's coughs, the elder quickly drank his water before looking namjoon with a surprised expression.
"what the fuck- you must be really smart"

"what should I reply you with-" namjoon awkwardly chuckled and yoongi nods. that's true, if he said yes he would look somehow ignorant and if he said no, it would make him looking like he's faking his kindness

"true- but wow im proud to be friends with you!" yoongi grinned before he started to eat his burger and finally get a chunk of meat along with the buns which had made him extremely happy.

namjoon just smiled towards yoongi as he ate his grilled chicken chop. this place does sell delicious western food and he do come here whenever his money allows him to.

after they had both filled their stomach to the fullest, namjoon asked for the bills and paid for it. they both then walked out of the cafe.
and today, namjoon walked yoongi back home again. with a heavy heart, yoongi returned namjoon's hoodie once he had reached his destination.

a/n: do check out my one-shot specially made for namjoon's birthday called the 'Eternal Sunshine' ! comments and upvote are very much appreciated

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