New Beginning

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No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again


"Welcome to Seoul" flight attendant voice faded as I scanned the surroundings. I grabbed my luggage and hailed a taxi. I always loved travelling. I used to feel excited meeting new people and visiting places but not this time. Watching similar houses and shops of this town would always make me happy. Today I couldn't even find it in me to feel a bit excited to be here. 

My mind kept wondering about lot of things like Is it good thing that I am hiding? Should I leave all those memories I made behind me as a dream in the past and move on in to this new reality. Am I being a coward? I couldn't decide what is right anymore.

"We are here Miss" I snapped out of my thoughts and saw the two story houses with white walls and light blue color roof and a beautiful garden in front of the house with all different colors of flowers. 

I paid to the driver. "kamsahmnida Ahjusshi (thank you mister)" I saw the same scenery which reminded of that happy moments I spent here. I just can't accept this but I have to do it. That's what mark told me. 

Leave the past behind and enjoy your future there.

It feels like yesterday that I came here yet it's been eight years. I missed this place and the memories I had here. If only situation has not changed. Garden has few chairs and table lounge and same old games like I can remember. Nothing has changed since the last visit. I know that grandma don't like changes but I never imagined that she can't even change her garden dolls. I used to come every summer to visit my grandparents. Last time I came here was eight years back.

I took my luggage from the cab walked up to patio and knocked on the door waiting excitedly to see her cause now that I'm here. Door soon opened by making a creaky sound and a smiley face appeared. A smile grew on my face as I saw her. I can say she has became old as I saw her grey hair and wrinkles when she smiles. I saw the same pearl necklace around her which was the gift by grandfather. She is wearing it since he passed away.

"Granny" I said hugging her. She hugged me back. She pulled away enough to see my face her smile became wider. "You just look like your mom honey". She hasn't seen me in awhile so I can say we both missed each other. I came here to live with her and attend the same school which my mom has graduated from. This is the decision I made when I wanted to start new chapter of life. Giving a smile to granny I dragged my bag in to house and closed the door.

"Come on I'll show you your room" Nanny didn't wait for my reply. She went to upstairs and I lifted my bag following her. I just smiled at her eagerness. She was so happy to know that I am coming to live with her. She said she will be preparing everything I need.

She took me to a room in the right side from staircase. It is a huge room with black and white colored marbles and cream color walls. There are two doors in the bed room. One is closet I think and another one is bathroom. As I opened one door it was a walk-in closet with one full length mirror present on the side of wall and Shelves to put clothes.

I walked in front of mirror and saw a reflection of photo frames on the opposite wall which consists few of my mom school photos. They were decorated in unique shape giving the wall life. My mom and I look same except our eye color. Her eyes are Hazel and mine are in brown color.

Mom's room is similar to my old room back at home. But my old room has purple walls except one wall which has full off graffiti work on that. My friends and I did the graffiti. We used to have lot of sleepovers when I was there.

I turned back to see her "It's nice" she smiled to see my excitement. "Get a shower and come downstairs I will prepare something to eat" with that she left me alone in my new room. I opened my bag placed all the clothes and accessories in closet leaving other things to sort later, then went for shower.

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