Truths and secrets

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Running away from your problems is a race you will never win


"There is one more thing" Hana stopped me few feet before. We can see our cars from here. "What is it?" she fiddled with her hands nervously. "I freaked out yesterday and called Mark" I looked at her wide eyed. "That's not it. He is coming home in two days" if looks could kill I am sure Hana must have been dead by now. I can't believe she called him just because I was missing for one night. If he come here I might have to move again. Everything I started will go waste.

"Are you guys coming?" Taehyung shouted pointing to his wrist. "We are not over with this conversation" I told Hana before walking towards the boys. Jin already started the car and Jimin and Taehyung were placing our bags in the trunk. "Did you clean all the wounds?" Taehyung took my hand in his checking the bandage. "yeah, Hana helped me" Jimin shut the trunk and climbed in to the passenger seat.

"Get in. we are already late" I slide in to the backseat leaving space so Taehyung can sit. Hana got in too. I was sitting in the middle of them. Whole ride was silent and I guess everyone is aware of thick tension in the air. I didn't make any conversation and by the look on the boys faces something must have happened. They were all tense and kept checking their watches. I laid my head on Taehyung shoulder closing my eyes.

Hana wouldn't freak out without reason. She knows we are capable of taking care of ourselves. She even promised me she won't contact Mark until I tell her. I have to ask her everything. It seems like she is hiding something from me. Soon I dozed off to sleep thinking all things. "Y/n wake up" I got up and saw we are in front of my house. I got out the car yawning. "Cute" Taehyung mumbled something before smiling at me.

He got my luggage out and walked to front door with me. I noticed the door was locked. Halmoni must be in nursery. "Do you want to come in?" I asked Taehyung and he shook his head. "I have some work. I will call you when I am done" I took the bags from him and looked at the car. Hana is not in the car anymore. She must have left before me. "Take care" he pecked my forehead before leaving. I waved to them and waited until they were out of my sight before going in to the home.

I took shower first and changed in to black shorts with red hoodie. I thought about calling Mark but I don't know what to tell him. I have talk to Hana first then I will make a story to convince Mark. I decided to go to Hana house after eating something. I forgot about food for a while talking to Hana but now I am actually starving. I grabbed a bowl and cereal. I don't even have the energy to prepare something good. I took some juice before sitting placing them on the table. I finished my breakfast and locked the front door making my way to Hana house.

I waited for her to open the door after ringing the doorbell. Soon I heard the footsteps inside and the door opened to reveal Hana. She looked surprised "Are you not going let me in?" she snapped out of her trance before moving side so that I can get in. she closed the door and sat on the sofa. I did the same and sat in front of her. "So?" she glanced at me before looking at the floor again. "Hana, I know you are hiding something" her expression changed and I was confirmed she is indeed hiding something.

"You can tell me anything" she got up and sat beside me "promise me you won't get mad at me" I got confused at her behaviour but I took her hands in mine when I saw she was on the verge of crying. "I won't be mad" she sighed "I got a call few days before coming here. I don't know him but he told me I have to move here and keep an eye on you" I let her hands go in shock but she held them tight. "I didn't agree first but he blackmailed saying he will make it worse for my father" as much as I want to hate her I couldn't. I know they struggled a lot due to her father and I would do the same if someone threaten my family.

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