Just a bet

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It takes years to build trust but only seconds to destroy it


"Mark called me yesterday night and he said he is coming today" I stayed quiet stabbing the pancake with my fork. "Did something happen?" I couldn't sleep last night. I woke up with headache and have to take medicine again. I went to sleep right after Hana left. Halmoni didn't get to talk to me. I already know Mark will tell everything to halmoni.

"He is just coming to visit. Nothing happened" she looked doubtful but shrugged it off. If something is wrong they will tell her first. Since Mark don't know what happened he might have not told her.

"I will leave now" I washed the plate placing it on the counter. I grabbed the bag from counter before walking out. I sighed once I was out mentally preparing myself. Today is going to be hell for me. I can feel it. I looked at Hana house but the door was already locked. She must have left early. I looked at time and my eyes widened. I only have ten minutes before first period starts.

It is fifteen-minute walk from home. I am not going to make it but I still have to try. I ran all the way and was relieved when I saw the school in my sight. I ran to classroom not bothering to get any books from locker. I will copy later from one of them. "I am sorry I am late" teacher looked at me disappointedly. I smiled apologetically. "since it is first time I am letting you go"

I thanked her before sitting next to Jungkook. Hana looked at me and I signalled to her as I will talk later. Jungkook waved to me lightly. I waved back smiling at his childishness before opening the book he passed me. I couldn't focus on the class as I was thinking about how to explain to Taehyung and Mark. It seems like he didn't tell anything to others. Jin and Jungkook were casually talking to me.

If he told them they wouldn't act so naturally. I have to ask Hana if Jimin said anything to her. Soon the classes ended and it was lunch time. "Let's go to cafeteria" Jungkook hooked his arm with mine dragging me out. "I have some work. I will join you guys in five minutes" they all left me with Hana. She pulled me in to the washrooms.

"Why were you late?" I sighed rubbing my face "I woke up late. Halmoni told me Mark called her" I looked at the stalls making sure no one was there "what did he say?" she asked me "he just told her he is coming today" she sighed in relief "we have to find Jaebum and find out what Jackson want now"

"I don't have his number" I remember his house "I know his house address. I will go there" she hit my arm "you are not going alone. We will ask Mark to go with us" I looked at her "us?" she winked at me "you are not going to get rid of me easily" I smiled at her thankfully. "have you talked to Jimin?" she nodded her head.

"It seems like he doesn't know anything about you guys. Not even the date" I felt sad knowing he didn't tell anyone but then again it was only one day. What can I expect from him. "I will talk to Taehyung now" we both grabbed our books from the locker before going to cafeteria. We have to submit our history project today so Taehyung will come and he has to talk to me.

I walked to our table with Hana and saw everyone was already there. Jimin waved to Hana asking her to sit beside him. She made her way to him. The only place available was between Jungkook and Taehyung. I sat placing my lunch on the table. All the while Taehyung didn't glance at me not even once. "Taehyung~ah" I tried to talk to him when everyone was busy with their talks but he kept eating like he didn't hear me. "Y/n, you didn't even call me when you came back" Jia frowned at me.

"My phone is not working. It fell down that night" I have to take my phone for repair. Taehyung kept ignoring and I tried not to show it but I think Jimin observed and he glared at Taehyung. I tried few more times but he kept ignoring me. I gave up on convincing him. I am not the only one who kept secret. He did too. If he is gonna behave like this I will not bother with him.

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