( ●◡○)✄ Chapter 14: Waking up somewhere

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Chapter 14:


It was 5:00 in the morning when I heard my phone's usual alarm. I opened my eyes and saw a black and white printed leaves patter, 'That's strange. I don't remember changing the interior color and design of my room's ceiling,' I thought as I slowly sat up on the bed while rubbing my eyes. Yawning, I glanced around me. "Weird... I don't remember changing anything in my room, too," I said out of confusion.

Then, it hit me. The interior, the furniture, the curtains, even the bed. I find it all weird because... "This is not my room?!" 

I was still in the middle of trying to comprehend what happened when the memory hit me. I remember sleeping on Akashi's shoulder as we drive back and the next thing I knew, I am laying on a white soft queen-sized bed.

Not only the place wasn't my bedroom, but I was not wearing the black dress from before. "Oh gawsh!" I quickly hugged the blanket around my body. I slowly took a peek under the blanket and thank God! I was still wearing my shorts that I wore under the dress last night and a shirt... though, I don't know who's shirt it was.

I swung my legs on the edge of the bed and stood up. I looked around the room for a while and found a full body mirror. Checking myself, I fixed my messy hair using my fingers like I always do back at my condo... Wait, where am I, anyway?

A knock on the door startled me. Quickly making my way and pulling open the door,  I was greeted by lady, who seemed to be in her late 40's, wearing a traditional kimono and two females wearing maid uniforms.

"Good Morning, Hakino-sama," the old lady greeted while the two maids beside her bowed as greeting.

I was surprised at first but I did return the greeting, "Good Morning too. Um, may I ask a question?" I asked formally so they wont get the wrong impression.

"If you have a valid reason to ask the question, then it will be answered," answered the old lady. 

"Ano... I'm kinda confuse. I somehow don't remember how I got to this place and I just want to know, what and where is this place? Also, who are you?" I questioned while tilting my head slightly.

With a gentle smile, "My name is Takara Misana. I am the chief of staff in the Akashi Residence. And you are now at Akashi's Family Manor, Hakino-sama," the old lady spoke.

Akashi's Family Manor?! What?! "How did I get here?" I quickly asked. The two maid beside the old lady looked at each other before shooking their heads no.

One of them spoke, "We apologize but we do not know the answer your question, miss," she said with concern and I gave them a frown.

"But I think Akashi-sama can explain it to you once he gets back," the other one tried to convince.

"Gets back? Why, did he go somewhere?" I asked.

"The young master is currently jogging somewhere near. It is a part of his daily morning routine. He will be back shortly before breakfast," Takara-san stated, "For the mean time, you can start preparing for school, miss," she said as she ushered the other two maid to start helping me prepare.


After assuring me that they'll be the one to prepare my uniform because I didn't even have any clothes for myself, I went to the bathroom and started my own morning routines right after messing with the shower's heating machine. The moment I got out of the bathroom with a towel wrapeped around my body and on my hair, I saw a note on the bed that the clothes are in the room where I saw the full-body mirror.

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