( ●◡○)✄ Chapter 29: A Fest to Remember

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I'm getting annoyed with my writing style. Then my hands slipped and now here is a 3.5k+ chapter.

Chapter 29:


"Dad, seriously, you already asked me that question more than 5 times now," I told, having my shoulder keep the phone in place next to my ear as my hands were pretty much occupied with the heavy box I was carrying.

It was the last day of preparation for the cultural festival and everyone was busy trying their best to fix some unfinished stuffs they need for tomorrow. Wearing our pe uniforms to allow us to move more freely, I swiftly avoided the others students coming my way as I head back to our class.

"It's because you're not giving me an answer. Are you going to stay there in Japan for college or are you going to return here?" my father argued with a convincing voice.  I can hear the exasperation in his words.

"To be true, I don't know," I replied, taking the phone in hand as I stopped next to our classroom's door to catch up with my breath. My father sighed, "See, that's what I'm talking about! We need to plan for your future, Hana!" he stated in a more authority like tone.

"I know. I know. It's just that-" I was about to explain my reason when the door suddenly opened. "Hakino-san?" I heard one of my classmates called out. Raising my hand as if to tell her to giving me a second, I continued to talk with my dad.

"Look, I'm really sorry Dad but I'm busy right now. I promise I'll just call you once I made up my mind. Take care always," I quickly said, telling him my goodbyes and turning off my phone before he can even speak back. Turning my attention back to the female by the door, "I got the box," I told, carrying the box once again as I enter the classroom.

Too focus on carrying the heavy box, "Let me help you," I didn't realize someone spoke up until the box I had was suddenly taken away from me.  Looking at the person, I saw Cloud placed the box near the other props. Dressed in a kamishimo minus the kataginu, he was chosen to be the lead character as we decided to have a play performance for this year's cultural festival. 

[A/N: Kamishimo is traditional clothing worn by samurai back in Edo period; Kataginu on the other hand is the sleeveless jacket that emphasizes the shoulder, part of the kamishimo.]

"Woah," I mumbled at the sight of him. He looked so vintage his costume, yet so charming. Even though it was just rented from a store in the shopping district, it seemed like it was made just for him. Sensing my gaze, Cloud walked back to me and asked, "What, is it ugly?" 

"No," I quickly answered, "It looks pretty good on you". My fast response made Cloud chuckle before speaking, "Well, that's good hearing it from you," he smiled

"Tomoko-kun!" the voice made us both look to our side. A female classmate of ours smiled sweetly at him before it turned into a scary frown, “I told you to go outside and check if there's any more needed for the float, right?" she told, giving him a 'why the hell are you still standing there' look. Preventing myself from laughing, I watched as Cloud said a short bye before making his way out quickly.

"You sure it's alright to have Cloud there? Akashi-san's outside too, right?" my ears perked up as I overheard one of the boys said. "I don't know, man. But the atmosphere when those two are together is scary," the other responded with a small voice.

I was about to walk up to them and ask what them meant when I heard my name being called. "Hm?" I hummed a reply. 

"Could you please help Nika in fitting her costume?" the props manager told me. Giving them a nod, "Sure," I smiled as I saw Nika waving her hand as I neared her.

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