Chapter 6

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"H, you okay?" Niall's voice snaps me from my thoughts, his pale blue eyes showing concern.

I've been doing nothing for the past hour but sitting on a bench in the gym, absentmindedly playing with the rings on my fingers. That's very unlike me, I should be covered in sweat and my knuckles should be bleeding by now. But I've been distracted.  I would occasionally glance at Alex, who has managed to get under everyone's skin in such a short time, and it pisses me off in a way. I'm starting to think it was a mistake to let him and his sister move into the army buildings yesterday.  There's never enough caution when it comes to Vortex, let alone when you have two of its soldiers in your base.

I made sure to order Tori to keep an eye on Elena since she's in another building on the east side.  Any sign of something suspicious, I'll personally make sure to either lock them up or kill them. The latter doesn't appeal very much to me, despite my obvious aversion toward anything Vortex related.  Human life is worth more than any hatred, especially in the times like these when every murder is fueled by hatred, no matter if the person is an innocent child or a grown soldier.

"Yeah, Ni, go back to your training."

"You've been acting strange since yesterday," he notes. "Well, stranger than usual. Strange in un-Harry way. Or strange as in--"

"Okay, I get it," I interrupt, rolling my eyes. "I have my reasons." My body suddenly tenses when I realise he said my name; or what was my name. I shoot up from my seat, towering over his shorter frame. "It's H. Only H. Have I made myself clear?"

He gulps, nodding once. "Oh, wow-- sorry, yeah. . . I mean, yes, sir."

"Good. Go back to your training," I dismiss him, shutting my eyes for a few moments to gain composure. It saddens me, how people who were my closest friends once now have no idea who am I anymore and how to approach me. It's all my fault, though. I'm not what I used to be. . . or I simply cannot find that person anymore.

"Hey, handsome," a female voice says. A familiar Hispanic woman stands in front of me, her dark eyes finding mine.  I almost roll my eyes when she sends me a seductive smile, knowing very well why she's approached me. I never slept with her, but we had a few make out sessions even though nothing developed from it.  It was a long time ago and I honestly regret it considering she's all over me whenever I appear. She's pretty and all, but I'm in no condition to have any relationships.

"Lia." I nod politely. "I'm busy."

"It's been a long time since we've talked, precioso," she tells me, subtly dragging her index finger over my chest.

I lock my fingers around her wrist and push her hand away, but I make sure to do it gently, not wanting to be violent. "And it will continue being a long time."

A certain figure entering the gym steals my attention, my eyebrows pinching immediately. Her light brown ponytail sways as she walks, her slender body clad in a black sweatshirt and tights, a pair of black trainers on her feet.  Much to my dismay, I have to admit I do find her attractive, I wouldn't spend so many precious seconds of my time observing her otherwise.  I examine the way she walks; with straightened back and chin high like a soldier, yet there's a trace of elegance in it.

I stifle a smile; she reminds me of a wild cat, moving so gracefully, almost appearing innocent, but you never know when could she attack. Maybe a lion? No. A panther? No, a tiger. Yes, that fits her.

She walks over to her brother, engaging in a conversation with him, Louis, and another soldier. She looks in my direction for a few moments then looks away. I frown for some reason.

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