Chapter 25

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"Is everything in order?" I ask a soldier sitting at one of the lined desks, his body hovering over the mics and communication machines with hundreds of little buttons displayed on it. I'm pacing back and forth nervously, hoping everything is going to run smoothly.

If only I wasn't a coward, I could've gone with them.

"Yes, sir," he replies. "Every team has let us know about their whereabouts a few minutes ago."

"Good, that's good. Yep, very good, everyone's alive, no one's going to die, nope," I mumble, clasping my hands behind my back to prevent myself from fidgeting with them.

Liam, who's been silently observing me so far from his place at one of the desks, pretends he's cutting something with a knife in his hand. "Oh don't mind me, I'm just cutting the tension you're spreading around."

"Can you the fuck not do this shit?" I snap at him. "Your constant laid back mood is so annoying. Just be mad or nervous, god dammit."

"Ah, but I can't," Liam replies. "I've got a solution for your problem, my stiff friend." He stands up from his seat and stuffs one of his hands into his pocket while taking something from the desk. He extends his arms in front of him, each hand holding an item.

He opens his left palm, a condom placed on top of it, while there's a bottle of some alcoholic beverage in his other hand. "Two things you need to release the tension. It's what helps me get by." He smirks. "Sex and alcohol."

"Seriously, Liam, seriously?" I ask with a straight face. "You keep that stuff in our surveillance room?"

Liam chuckles. "Oh sweet, innocent curly kitten," the bastard says sweetly. "I keep that stuff everywhere. I mean, you never know." He smiles cheekily.

"Sir?" One of the soldiers calls me.

I frantically run toward him. "Ooh shit, what is it? They're under attack, aren't they? Who died? How bad is it? Fuck it, I'm sending help--"

"Sir, no one's getting attacked," he interrupts me. "Not yet, anyway. Our troops sent to monitor activity in Vortex have just let us know they've sent at least fifty of their vehicles on the road. They're moving north-west toward our territory apparently."

"They what?" I ask in disbelief, my anger starting to brew inside me. They've been watching us as well, I'm certain they've been waiting for this opportunity. "They know where the meeting is taking place. Sound the alarm and send all the available troops on the field," I instruct to the soldiers sitting at their desks, watching as they comply immediately.

Liam claps once, muttering a "hell yes" under his breath. He pats me on the back. "Let's go, Styles, time to take out the trash."

"You're still limping, Liam, you're not going."

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