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I tugged at my sweatshirt, feeling hot.

"You alright?" Bambam hugged me and I gave him a slight nod in response.

Why did you fall in love with me?

I ask this to myself everyday.

I looked down, at the other students below. Bambam didn't like me sitting here so close to the edge, but I do it anyways.

We walked to class as I looked down at my black converse. I dragged my feet as we seperated, heading to our own class.

I was so silent, making sure I heard every word spoken in this room. The whispers, the hate, the fake rumours.

What they say is what is true.

The school day ended with me not feeling any better about myself. I went to the roof, where I found Bambam waiting for me.

"Hey. Can I ask you something?" I nodded, standing about a foot away from him. "Tommorow... there is a rapping competition. Could you come and support me?" I hugged him. My way of saying yes.

He walked me home, and I slept early to get up two hours before his competition. I ran to the school, where it was taking place, and looked around. No one was here.

I went inside, looking around. Suddenly, someone covered my mouth and dragged me to the janitor's closet. They took my phone, taped my mouth and tied my hands.

I struggled. This can't be happening! The person had a mask on, so I couldn't see their face. They threw me on the floor, slamming the door shut.

I rolled around, trying to stand up. Once I did, I tried opening the door.

I was locked in.

No. No way. Please no.

I slammed my body into the door, ignoring the pain. I don't care. I promised Kunpimook Bhuwakul that I'd be there, supporting him.

About two long hours passed. I was losing hope and energy, but I still was jumping at the door.

It wouldn't budge. I cried for hours, until the janitor found me.

Not a nice and bright janitor though. He kicked me out of school grounds, not even untying me. I walked to a electric pole, which I had hidden a knife for self harm in. I cut off the ropes, and pulled off the tape.

It's too late. I walked home, seeing my phone on the edge of my window seal.

I looked at it, seeing texts from Bambam. Oh no...

Where r u

Im about to start

I'm disappointed in u



i can't believe you

Slutty whore

We are through

I started hyperventilating.



I wasnt at the mall

Im blocking u dont bother texting

I cried, walking into my bathroom. I grabbed the razor, cutting my leg. If it's my leg, people will think it was on accident.

Does it matter?

I went to my pill cupboard, opening the door.

"I can't..." I closed the door, curling into a ball.

I'll cut my arm, too.

A/N: Omfg at this rate I'll be done before tomorrow

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