Chapter Six Dreams

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Tonight’s dream was different then all the others;

There was fog everywhere, clouding whatever I looked at it. To be honest it scared me, but I kept hearing voices so I followed them. Oddly enough those voices sounded like people I knew. Shane, Andrew, Neal, Rob...and as much as I'd hate to admit it, Jon's soothing voice. It wasn't the Jon that I heard just today at the dance, it was the Jon that I grew up with and loved. But then again...did I truly love that Jon now that I was insane about Shane? But what about Andrew?

I liked him a lot as well, but not as much as Shane. I was so lost in those dream-world thoughts that I realized I couldn't hear those voices were. Almost as if I had strayed to far from them. Had I? All I could hear now is two cruel sounding woman, making snide comments and wolves howling at the lonely moon as if to tell it that they are it's servants.

I continued on and found myself in a grave yard. The ladies voices sounded all around me as if I were standing in their circle. I kinda scared me honestly, I looked in front of myself and blinked sucking in a breath of air as three cats now sat in front of me.

The first one, sat in front of an angel like statue. The stone angel stood behind the cat arms spread open as if crying out a prayer, large detailed wings were shaded perfectly to look almost as if in movement, begging to break free and fly to the heavens. It was breathtaking honestly. My awe-filled gaze turned down to the shining white cat, with bright, glowing, blue eyes. If I were awake I would have gingerly walked to the beautiful animal and petted it lightly. And if we got along take him-or her-home and let her turn her large eyes at my dad so I could keep her.

Next I turned to the black cat, the one farthest away from the shiny white one. This animals fur was an off set black that glittered in the blackness as the moon hid behind the clouds for a moment. The small being seemed to be glaring at me with large blood filled eyes, malice filled eyes. As it came out I gazed at it's small monument. This angel was too looking up at the star filled sky, only small bumps shined, looking almost like tears. She was hunched over, with two tattered and bleeding looking wings attached to her. She two, was beautiful, goddess like. For some reason, those two cats looked like gods...the black one, the god of the damned and underworld. And the white one, the god of the sea. Even if the white one wasn't blue, it had a calm look about it.

Finally I turned to the center cat. He was a cool silver that made you want to remain calm and peaceful. But it was clear the two other cats wanted to fight. This one was perched on a gravestone that read;



Loving Mother and Wife

Who is Aphrodite?” I asked the cats, how stupid of me. They were cats! As soon as I thought it I was thrown back into a tree with a wince as my head snapped back.

A light voice filled the air. “We are not just cats!” Cam the vengeful voice. The space around me crackled with electricity as two beings appeared in front of me.

The female who took the place of the white cat stood tall in a long silk white dress, her transparent skin glowing with a soft golden color and long auburn hair accented her full red lips and calm blue eyes.

I...I....I'm s-sorry!” I whimpered, half awed by her immense beauty.

The second woman who stood proud and angry peered down at me with smoky curls that ended around her waist. She was that cat with glowing red eyes. Her skin stayed pale and almost see through, her body however was hidden in a long black dress with silver flowers winding up from her hem and to her bust.

Sister...” The golden skinned woman said soothingly. “...the girl was wondering who. She did not know that we are not such small creatures. Be kind if we are to pass our message on from father.” Her voice was like honey that wrapped around everything and tightened securely. She seemed to have calmed down her...sister by mentioning their father and motioning to the silver ancient cat who simply nodded his head.

The tall brooding female nodded to me. “Speak.” Was all she growled.

I nodded and slowly stood. “I...I didn't mean any disrespect, miss....I-I was wondering who Aphrodite was is all. I swear.” I looked up at her from under my own long lashes. Her gaze softened.

Little one, she is you.” Said the now calm woman. I looked past them to the stone.

I shook my head. “ I am me...she isn't me...” I blinked for a moment. I believed in reincarnations and past lives, but those two women were to perfect to know that woman.

But she is, young Shape Shifter. As you are her.” Said the angel like being.

That couldn't be possible. I am me though. As my father said when I was younger, 'when someone asked what you are, just say 'I am I'. You are you. Rose Louise.' He would then smile, pat my head and send me on my way while he went back to his office.

It can't be though! I am I!” I cried out to them.

The dark goddess shook her head and kneel in front of me, the leaf covered cement not once moving as she did. “The reason we have you here is because Aphrodite did not finish what she was sent to finish.” Said the dark woman.

Our younger sister did finish much though. She just never established order. You will find out soon young human girl.” The golden woman's voice stared to fade. “You will know when you find her...the spell must be broken so you can live a long and fruitful life...” She was gone and the dark woman was slowly disappearing as well. I wasn't done asking questions!

Please! Don't leave me!” I lunged forward, only crash onto the leaves in a soft thud in front of the silver cat. I heard a voice in my that sounded like me mothers, “You will patient my darling.” And with that the silver cat vanished. I looked up at the statues until my eyes slowly found their way back down and over to the plain gravestone. “Aphrodite ...” I whispered before waking up and looking into Shane's eyes...

“Good morning.” He smiled, sitting at the foot of my bed. I smiled back, thinking back to my dream before writing down Aphrodite's name and sitting up, the strap to my flashy pink baby-doll lingerie falling over my shoulder.

“Why wake me up?” I yawned, pulling the blanket up to cover my chest.

“Your feildtrip with Percy.” He grinned. “Get dressed in hiking clothes, we're going to the ruins!” He laughed merrily.

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