The Final Taste Of Peace

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It was the night of graduation for the 104th generation. Everyone stood in rows listening obediently as it was explained that they had 3 choices: The Garrison, The Military Police and The Survey Corp.

"...but of course only the top 10 can enter the Military Police!!" One of the officials bellowed from the stage.

Unfortunately you barely missed out on the top 10 (I don't want to make her OP , because its unrealistic + I don't want to tamper with facts) but you couldn't help but feel a twist in your stomach at the mention of Eren.

After the night of the book, your relationship somehow went public thanks to certain people and it was common knowledge amongst the trainee's now.

"I cant believe we made it to the top 10!!" Connie shouted at the top of his lungs.
"We can eat all the food that we want!" Sasha joined in, which made you roll your eyes.
Everyone was celebrating with drinks after the graduation, you refilled your cup and proceeded your way towards Eren to congratulate him but as you got near you heard Thomas say in a rather loud voice:
"...theres no way you can beat them!!"

Everyone hushed and turned towards the scene as Thomas continued to explain how powerless humanity is against the titans.
The old you would of agreed and followed this norm, but hearing and seeing Eren's passion right now inspired you to venture past that.

"...I'll kill every single one of them and break past these walls! That is my dream, mankind hasn't lost yet!" Eren finished. You spotted a glint of tears in his eyes and it felt like your dinner had transformed into a titan inside your stomach. (You felt butterflies)

You admired how determined Eren could be and watched his back as he darted out. You decided to go after him but spotted from the corner of your eye that Armin and Mikasa had immediately ran after him.

You felt a pang of jealousy and something compelled you to not come in between them.

After a couple of minutes of twiddling with the handle of the cup you were holding, you felt someone lightly tap your shoulder.

"Oh Krista?" You turned around to see the cute blonde girl tip toeing behind you.

"Are you sure you won't go after him?" She asked innocently.

"He has them..." You said, cringing at how fucking shite you sounded.

Ymir came slouching over laughing her head off at your reply and throwing an arm over Krista's shoulder.

"You sound like a jelous bitch! If my Krista was ever upset I wouldn't even hesitate to sprint to her" she said whilst nuzzling into her hair.

"Dont be rude Ymir!" Krista scolded. She turned to you. " Its true that having the comfort of friends is important but I'm sure as his girlfriend you can provide a different type of comfort for him. If you want to really go, you should go!" She smiled.

It felt as if your very soul was blinded by the rays of bright light radiating off Krista as her smile intensified. A chorus of angelic music seemed to fill your ears...haaaa

A Goddess

It took you a while to realise that you were already walking out of the cabin, as if you were hypnotized by her to do so.

Reluctantly you stepped round the corner in the dark and noticed the 3 sat at the stairs, talking and looking up towards the night sky.

You took a moment to admire Eren, his brown hair caught the gentle breeze and his breath came out as little clouds of puffs in the chill of the night.

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